Go With The Flow

WV foggy lake
“Early morning fog on the lake. Almost Heaven…West Virginia”

So, I know I told you I wouldn’t be running to town every whipstitch, however…I really do need to write some things for a deadline I’m facing…AND, I needed to get some reservations for this trip. I ended up heading into town to use the WiFi at McDonald’s. I wasn’t finished when I saw my battery was almost gone on my iPad so I packed it up and headed back to the campsite and plugged in. 

It was early enough in the day that the fog hadn’t burned off the lake yet and I stopped in the road to take a photo. There was another, even more spectacular view on down a ways, however, there was someone coming up behind me so I had to move on. Sometimes the most beautiful, unforgettable photos get left to memory and never see the light of day. Those are really special.

The campground is filling up and I just realized this is Columbus Day weekend. I imagine there will be crowds of people there by later today. Some campgrounds close by the end of October around here. I managed to get West Virginia camping all the way through to the first of November. Then I am going to either have to head south or winterize the camper. There will be some nights in the next week that will get down to the 30’s. It won’t be a problem unless it gets down and stays down, which it is not likely to do at this time of the year here.

As I am writing this, I am listening to a group of college girls. They are FaceTiming with one of their moms and it is hysterical. They are talking about their hair and what to do with it for some special event. It reminds me so much of when my older daughter was that age. I was so young and I really loved the kids. As I was driving into town earlier, Daughter #2 called and we chatted for a while. It’s crazy how fast they’ve grown and how long ago those crazy fun times in McDonald’s really were.

Sycamore Tussock Moth Caterpillar
“Sycamore Tussock Moth Caterpillar”

The second picture is a Sycamore Tussock moth caterpillar. It was climbing up my tire at the campground…not surprising seeing how I’m camped in a grove of sycamore trees. I looked it up and they aren’t poisonous, but they can irritate your skin if you happen to be allergic to them. They said it is best to move them away with a stick or piece of paper, which is exactly what I did.

I hope you have a wonderful Saturday and enjoy the autumn weather, wherever you are!


“Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains.”

James 5:7 NIV

2 thoughts on “Go With The Flow

  1. Ginny,. I’ve spent a large part of the last two days reading your blog from the start of it thru your entry on 12 October 2019. I’ve sobbed reading your posts about grief. It’s true everyone processes grief differently but reading about your experience brought so many things to mind about my journey with the loss of my husband at only a few days after his 48th birthday. He’d been diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma at 47. He became a quadriplegic about 4 months later when the cancer spread to his spine. I found healing in your words…even 22 years later. I also found renewed hope in life going forward…my life has been a series of stops and starts since his death. I realize that I was saying “Jesus, take the wheel” but I wasn’t letting go! I gutted thru life and buried so much of my grief. I’ve always been the caretaker of others…first my husband, then my father and finally the last 6 years of my mother’s life. All the while trying to raise a son that lost his father at 13. I will admit I’d lost my faith. I’m so thankful to have found your words. I made notes of scriptures you included and titles of the books you mentioned. It’s time for me to embrace my faith again. Thank you.

  2. Oh, Kim…you have no idea how you have touched my heart! First, I am so sorry for your losses. Carrying that has to have been so difficult. On the rare occasion when I feel discouraged in my writing, I ask God to please show me where He is making a difference through my writing. I had just such a day yesterday. Cold, rainy, windy, and gray….I spent the day writing and having conversations with God. I felt perhaps I was too tired or too old or out of things to say. Then He sends me you….you read it all? I am so humbled by that, and that it made a difference in your journey. Thank you for your kind words…and your perseverance! It’s beginning to feel like “War and Peace” from this end!

    If you ever need encouragement, just send me a private message. My door is always open. This is what He sent me here to do.


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