Girl Campers

Campfire cupcakes
“Aren’t these the cutest little campfire cupcakes?”

There is something so special about camping with a bunch of gals. You may not have met them yet, but they’re going to be your new BFF’s before the weekend is over. I’ve been involved with the whole camp-like-a-girl movement since Mr. Virgo died and I got my first camper. I was first introduced to Sisters on the Fly and along the way, I met and got to know Janine Pettit. 

Janine has been a girl camper (little “g”) since she was a child and traveled with her parents on camping vacations. Along the way, Janine was asked to write a series on the GoRVing blog about amazing women campers. The RV industry recognized there was a whole demographic they weren’t serving well and Janine was just the person to bring on board to reach them. She’s personable, fun, and extremely knowledgeable about all things camping. 

Almost four years ago now, Janine started the Girl Camper Podcast which has become an incredible resource for women hoping to get into camping but may not be sure where to start. You may recall I have been interviewed several times on Janine’s show and I am always honored to attend her events. I meet some of the most wonderful women.

I went to Milton, West Virginia yesterday to visit with my tribe. Janine was in from New Jersey for a Camper College at Setzer’s RV in Huntington. Camper College is an event an RV Dealer sponsors with Janine and the gals get a couple of hours to ask questions and learn more about campers and their operation. Gail Bable is the Camp Host for Beaver Creek State Park in East Liverpool, Ohio and she is one of my home girls. 

I love going to these events because you get to see gals you haven’t seen for a while and you always get to meet new people. I was standing in the kitchen visiting when Gail came up to me and drew my attention to the two women sitting on the sofa. 

“Ginny, I overheard those two gals chatting. They are both widows.”

I walked right over and sat with them. I could see they were emotional and wiping away tears.

“What are we talking about, girls?”

“Dead husbands, I’m afraid.”

“Ahhhhh….yes. I have one of those. I’m Ginny McKinney. It’s so nice to meet you.”

We sat and visited for a bit and exchanged info. One is a published author and the other is a blogger and about to head out full time in her new Little Guy Max camper. You never know who you might meet along the way and how you might be able to help each other.

My good friend, Cherry, brought the cupcakes that look like little campfires. Aren’t they the cutest things??? Janine handed out some swag…collapsible fans, sunglasses, bottle openers. A good time was had by all and of course there was enough food there to feed a small army. I left after dinner to head back home so I could get up in time for church this morning. What a fun, fun weekend!

If you haven’t followed Girl Camper yet, do head over to her Facebook page and her website. It’s such a loving, warm community of women.

Girl Camper


“…a sweet friendship refreshes the soul.”    Proverbs 27:9 MSG

14 thoughts on “Girl Campers

  1. How cute are those cupcakes,glad to got your blog back on, i was worried, your blog is the first thing to read in the morning, gives my lift for the day.
    Have a wonderful and enjoyable day and week.’
    God bless
    Hugs, Melba

    1. I have no idea why it didn’t post. It was sitting there with the time stamp of 3:30am today. I got my routine notice it had posted. Then I woke up and started seeing the messages so I went in and it said scheduled instead of posted. Go figure! Well, she’s fixed now. Thanks so much for your kind words! I think one of these days, we’re going to have to have a “Reader Rendezvous “ and get a chance to put faces with the names. Y’all feel like long time friends now that’s ive been posting for SIX years! Some have been here since the beginning! ❤️

  2. Wow!’ I’m deeply honored to be characterized in such a shining way!! Not sure I deserve all the praise but thank you! It was wonderful seeing you and all the girls! 5 weeks til What a Hoot!

  3. Ahhhhh…Ginny! I am one of those widows and so glad you sat down on the couch with Lisa and me. I loved – so much- the connections and commraderie over the weekend. It was so lovely to meet you and I hope we stay in touch as I travel onward. Your insight and experience is truly valued and I am so happy for your new love!!

    1. Oh, Lorri…thank you for your kind words. It was so wonderful to meet you both! I’m looking forward to having you write a guest post for me when you get your wheels under you this summer. We’ll keep in touch! ❤️

  4. I have been solo camping for years… since my children grew up and moved out. Since my family is all out of state I plan camp trips that include grands in the summer, BUT generally I am a solo camper by choice.

    When you camp in a group of girls, is there ever down time? Is there space for a person to be alone by choice? Or does the introvert need to be on hold for the time being? (I can do that, too) Just wondering! I was thinking about organizing a girl camp out. ?

    1. Actually, there are all kinds of different campouts. One of my favorite ones I ever went on had naps on the agenda! It was so cool. We had breakfast and coffee together. We spent a few hours in the morning doing something like fishing or antiquing. We ate a light lunch and everyone went into their own campers and did whatever they wanted to do and we gathered again in the evening for dinner and a campfire. One evening we drove into town for BBQ. One afternoon we drove into town for ice cream cones instead of dinner. It was WONDERFUL! You plan an event…the girls will come. ❤️

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