Football and Peanut Butter Cookies

I made enough French toast on Wednesday to have leftovers yesterday. I love French toast. And if you make it with 35 calorie per slice bread and use brown sugar substitute and sugar free syrup, you can really shave a lot of the calories off. After a filling breakfast, I took my cuppa and headed down to the studio…my little nook in the basement. 

I’ve been watching YouTube videos to find more knitting patterns to try out. I came across a lady out of Canada and she made this cute little produce bag. I had some cotton yarn and decided to try it. It’s not as easy as it looks. It took me all day to knit up four and out of those found, one messed up so bad I just ripped it out. Another was fairly passable, but a long way from perfect. One came out great, and by the time I got it finished, it was time to put everything away so I could sit down and write. I’ll keep trying, but I though it was pretty cute.

When I was downstairs working, I could hear Mr. FixIt rummaging around in the kitchen and I knew he was setting up to make his famous Peanut Butter Blossoms. He ended up making six dozen! Now, I DO love peanut butter cookies, but I’m staying away. I ate a piece of that fudge I made this week, and I had such a reaction to the sugar. When you have eliminated sugar from your diet, even the smallest things can throw you into a sugar buzz. It kept me awake half the night and I was SO grouchy the next day. I love that he made them for the family. They’ll be here tomorrow for our family Christmas extravaganza and they are always looking for Grandpa’s cookies. I have the pork roast thawing in the fridge. I’ll make a big pot of chili and a batch of homemade cinnamon rolls tomorrow morning. The gifts are ready. We’ll do some cleaning up today, then the fun begins!

We’re really getting into the NCAA Football Bowl Games this year. Our son had us print out the schedule and chose who we thought would win each game and send it to him. There are several of us doing this and it’s been great fun with a lot of happy teasing in the chat thread. This is all for fun…no gambling. But the person who wins gets to keep the “trophy” for a year and retains bragging rights at any and all family gatherings for the year. I started out in last place, and as of yesterday morning, I was in a three way tie for 1st Place! I want that trophy!!! lol There are fourteen more games, so it’s anyone’s guess who will win.


”It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.“

Psalm 127:2 ESV

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