Finding Feathers and Pennies from Heaven

I didn’t sleep very well the first two nights of this trip for some reason. Probably because we’re leaving the family. And it’s been really hot so we have to sleep with the AC on and I don’t like that. At any rate, I was awake before dawn both Sunday and Monday mornings. When we got ourselves up and around and were putting things away, I saw something peeking out from behind the power box. On closer inspection, I found a perfectly beautiful primary wing feather from what I believe is a wild turkey. Someone carefully wedged it behind the power box to be found by another camper coming in for a stay and I was delighted. I plucked it from its hiding place and carefully tucked it under Mavis, the GPS, for safe keeping till I get it home and add it to my collection of found travel treasures. I also found a penny…so it was a big “message” day. Someone saying hello!

We had every intention of camping at Graham Cave State Park in Danville, Missouri last night but we got there so early in the afternoon. Today’s drive was going to be very long, so we decided to keep on trucking and stopped for the night in Mulberry Grove at Cedarbrook RV Park & Campground. It is an older place that definitely needs updating, and there were mostly seasonal rigs there. But, it was clean, off the highway, and very quiet on a Monday night deep in September. The moon was full, the sky was clear, and even though there was a storm predicted, we battened down the hatches, took a very welcome hot shower, and called it a day.

We head to eastern Indiana today. Because we traveled longer yesterday, our travel day will be shorter. We are expecting cooler weather today which will be a welcome respite from the oppressive heat we experienced yesterday. We stopped at a rest area in the middle of Missouri around 2:00 yesterday afternoon and it was 92 degrees. It was overcast all morning so you didn’t really feel the heat. As soon as we stepped out of the truck, the sun broke through and it was like standing in front of a fiery furnace. There was a gal with a flat tire on her cargo trailer and a guy was changing it for her. This is exactly why I have AAA Plus…so I can get help should we ever need it, no matter the circumstances.

One more sleep and we’ll be back on the Ponderosa…aka Marshmallow Ranch. Two nights at home and I take off to camp with my girlfriends for two nights! Honestly…we’ve been gone nearly a month and we’re having a blast! I think we could do this thing full time! 


“The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.”

Psalm 121:8 ESV

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