Day 94: But…What About MY Rights?

Masks. Jeez-o-Pete….there’s a subject that has become a tinderbox, hasn’t it? A lifelong friend who happened to spend her entire career as a nurse, shared some thoughts on her page yesterday encouraging people to wear masks to church. More and more outbreaks of Covid-19 are happening at churches that have opened back up. We watch our church online for health reasons, but when you watch…no one is wearing a mask. I spoke with friends who were there in person and they said maybe a handful of people were wearing them.

Our pastor spoke into the camera and welcomed those at home, then continued with his message to those in the room. He flat out said that we shouldn’t let them take our rights away and we should be in the room, worshipping together. He said, and I quote, “If you get sprayed on, you get sprayed on. So be it.” I was furious. I sent a well worded message to the powers that be and explained that it was wonderful to be welcomed and feel included…right up to the point where he essentially told us at home that we weren’t being faithful enough and relying on God to keep us safe. The following week, and every week since, the pastor has spoken into the camera and welcomed us watching from home and they were all looking forward to the day when we can all worship together. Big difference there. I sent another note thanking him for recognizing we cannot all come back into the building, especially when the majority are not wearing masks. It isn’t prudent.

When my friend posted about church, there was one man who declared “Faith over fear!” He chooses to go to church and worship as a Christian and the beauty of the whole thing is, we all get to make our own choices.

Well, I say…not so much.

If every member of the congregation wore masks, then yes…I would feel more comfortable about going to church. Your choice NOT to wear a mask makes my decision for me. And I’m not alone. There are many who simply cannot risk coming to church when masks aren’t being worn.

Someone spoke up and said, “Why churches? Why not Walmart?” Well, most churches aren’t as big and wide open as Walmart. And, you aren’t sitting/standing in one spot, shoulder to shoulder, with upwards of 400 people singing at the top of your lungs For an hour or more in a Walmart. The singing causes even more droplets of saliva to spray out from our mouths. If we are in close proximity for over an hour…the first 20 minutes of which are spent praising joyfully…we are guaranteed to share a whole lot of spit in the air around us. I’m not up for that.

During the influenza pandemic of 1918-1920, there were three phases of the outbreak. The initial outbreak was much like what we saw this spring. Most people were on board. They wore masks and socially distanced and washed hands. Then there was a waning of the virus. People were weary of staying inside and being told what to do. They didn’t want to wear masks anymore. They wanted to get outside and visit their friends and open their business back up. They wanted to go places and do things. Sound familiar? 

What happened was exactly what we are seeing around us right now. They eased up. They went back out. They poo-pooed the whole thing. They called it a hoax. People blew it out of proportion, they said. You’re taking my rights, they shouted. We’re not going to take it anymore. And they didn’t. And 100 MILLION people died in the second phase. 

They are asking you to wear a piece of cloth over your face. You can’t even do that for one hour so we can worship together? They aren’t asking you to give up a kidney or sacrifice your first born. It’s a mask. You use seatbelts. (Well, you should. If you don’t…that’s another issue.) You stop at stop signs. You don’t drive the wrong way on the interstate. You wear clothes when you go out. Are any of those “rules” asking you to sacrifice your civil liberties? You claim you have rights. You do…what but about me? I have rights, too. I have the right to go to church…just like you. Don’t take that right away from me because you cannot be bothered to wear a piece of cloth over your face for an hour.

We are sitting here watching history repeat itself…literally right in front of our eyes. Part of the price we pay for being human is to sacrifice some of our own comfort for the comfort of others. Are we so blind that we cannot see? Are we so selfish that we cannot care for our fellow man? What would Jesus do? He did not preach “every man for himself”. 

So that’s my soapbox rant for the day. 

Be kind.

Wear a mask.

It’s not forever, really…it just seems like it.

Be grateful it isn’t a ventilator.


(I tried to go back and find the FB page where I got this photo, but couldn’t find it.)

“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

Philippians 2:4 ESV

16 thoughts on “Day 94: But…What About MY Rights?

  1. Ginny – You are so right – I stand with you, with my mask on my face! I have not seen my son in person since late February. He lives in a larger city than I do, and very few there are wearing masks. He is not willing to risk my health. I love him for that, but I really do miss him. I am determined to be just as careful as he is being. I’m hopeful that by the end of summer, we will be able to see each other, face to face. ??

    1. Diane, I wanted to respond to your post here, and I hope Ginny doesn’t mind. I also hadn’t seen my Mom since Feb., and I’ve missed her SO much! I’m in my 60’s and have health issues myself. Mom is 88 and lives alone. My brother stops by daily to help her with little things, but stays apart from her as much as possible. Finally, now that the weather is nicer, I decided that it should be ok for me to go see my Mom & she & I would just sit 6′ apart from one another outdoors. It was WONDERFUL!!! Maybe you & your son could arrange such a visit?

  2. I love the way you can take a questionable subject and put YOUR spin on it, and no one gets mad, or if they get mad then after they cool off they can see the other side. This reminds me of patrons being allowed to smoke…absolutely everywhere, and if it made asthmatics have an attack, well you better have your inhaler. Thanks and Blessings for reaching such a large group with your thoughts. Much Love! ??? ✝️

  3. Contagious disease researchers say a mask, worn properly, will ONLY help if you are in close proximity for about 15 min max. Wearing a mask doesn’t protect you, it just helps with the odds!

    Please don’t wear a mask and think you are invincible. Avoid close proximity unless its a dire and serious emergency.

    1. From the CDC today, June 19th:

      “The CDC recommends that people wear masks as a way to slow the spread of the virus. Scientists say the virus can spread through respiratory droplets that pass when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Studies suggest the masks may serve as a helpful barrier.”

      Masks aren’t the be all, end all….good hygiene, social distancing, and avoiding crowds, hugging, and handshakes are all important steps to help reduce the risk of spreading the virus.

      This thing is far from over. We all need to continue to be vigilant and remember we aren’t invincible. Thanks for pointing that out, dear one. ❤️

  4. We have the opposite problem in Illinois … there has been no church AT ALL until very recently. After legal pressure from two small churches to require the State to recognize the fundamental constitutional right to free exercise of religion, the Gov. relented and modified his order to allow churches to hold services that exceeded the gathering limit of 10 persons. It was really unfair that the Gov’s orders had made zero provisions for the religious communities, and the faith leaders complained they weren’t consulted or given the opportunity to show they could make adjustments to open safely. They were simply shut down as “not essential” – except of course they were allowed to continue providing a variety of relief services . They just couldn’t do anything religious, like services.

    Our church has been very careful about reopening. Masks are mandatory at our church (along with temperature checks, pre-registration to facilitate Contact Tracing if needed later, protocols for ingress & egress, a strict limit on utilizing only a very small % of the sanctuary to implement social distancing, among other measures).

    I have a medical condition that makes breathing difficult with a mask, especially during warm weather. Don’t I have the right to go to church…just like you? Why is my Church taking that right away from me? When they only allow 130 masked persons in a sanctuary that seats 1,000 … couldn’t they find a seat someplace for me where I wouldn’t bother or endanger other people … someplace out of Droplet range? They treat me like a leper because I am unable to conform and wear a mask. Am I the only selfish and thoughtless one? Am I selfish, or simply trying to take care of myself? What would Jesus do – tell me to stay isolated and lonely at home?

    It’s very nice you are someplace where people have choices. I won’t pass judgment on you, and would appreciate if you likewise don’t pass judgment on me. Thanks for listening to my rant! 🙂

    1. I won’t pass judgement on you, dear one. I think, because this is a novel virus, and because the powers that be threw the baby out with the bath water, they’re all trying to figure this out. And, because we are 50 free states, there seems to be 50 different protocols that change on a dime. In time, this will be a memory that we tell our great grandchildren about. But for now, we all have to do the best we can. Stay well! ❤️

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