Day 6: Seeking Comfort in an Uncomfortable Time

Oatmeal is definitely a comfort food that’s good for you!

Mr. FixIt and I have a kind of rhythm. While I do most of the meal prep, we seem to take turns making breakfast. I’m the eggs and pancakes gal. He’s the maker of oats. Ohhhh, he makes the BEST oatmeal. We only use old fashioned rolled oats by Quaker. I like some chewy in my oats…not wallpaper paste. He uses a lite version of brown sugar that either has Splenda or Stevia in it…I can’t remember. He adds some cinnamon. Then, when we dish it up, we add whatever berries we have handy and a small handful of crushed pecans or walnuts. His gets a splash of 2% milk…mine gets a little bit of Half & Half. Perfection!

Comfort food is a go to when times are stressful. Currently we are eating our way through that blackberry pie I baked Friday night. We had pizza for dinner. We cannot do that all the time…but at the end of a long week that lasted a year, we deserved an indulgence. Without guilt.

We went to town yesterday to top off the gas tank on one of the trucks and to fill all our gas cans. West Virginia now has twelve confirmed cases of coronavirus…the nearest is one county over. Our governor came on last night to urge us to take action right now and ALL of us stay home. So many people aren’t taking this seriously and they only need to see Washington, New York, and Italy to see what can happen if you are not proactive.

One of the problems in rural areas is a general distrust of government. “Revenuers” were busting up stills in these hills long before I was born. Mountaineers are fiercely independent and don’t cotton to people telling them what to do. The fella who stopped to help get the tire off the truck the other day was a perfect example. I told him I’d shake his hand but I couldn’t because of social distancing and he rattled off a profanity laced diatribe about not being worried about any virus coming to get him. We just shook our heads as he drove off with his 24 pack of Bud.

We’ve decided to binge watch West Wing during our TV time instead of watching the news. I watch West Wing every election year. It’s comforting to know how it’s going to turn out. I love the cast and characters. And in the entire series, there was only one episode I don’t care to watch. That’s the one where the characters are being filmed as a documentary. I skip that one every time and I’ve binge watched the entire series at least 5 times.

Today’s Question:

What are you doing to combat boredom?

Be safe, dear ones.


“But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.”

1 John 3:17-18 ESV

4 thoughts on “Day 6: Seeking Comfort in an Uncomfortable Time

  1. Have been reading, cleaning, playing with the cats, working on genealogy, playing games on the computer & taking walks.

  2. I am actually making progress on that relentless list of things to do! Usually, as fast as I cross some thing off, I add some thing else. I still must drive to the barn. Jazz has thrush growing in one hoof, and I must keep an eye on that. At home, I have two dogs and two parakeets to tend to and love on.

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