Day 340: Always Have a Plan B!

Do you ever plan something and then, for no real reason you can put your finger on…you begin to feel uneasy about it? I’ve felt that way for an entire month, ever since I scheduled my surgery. It was never enough to really DO anything about it based on just feeling a little off. But still, it kind of feel a little off. 

Yesterday morning, I awoke to a text from my friend Diane saying the vaccine clinic had been rescheduled to next Thursday due to inclement weather. I got up and looked out the window and we had a good 5” of new snow on top of what we already had. Believe, I was blessedly relieved that we didn’t have to go out and drive in that mess.

Having our shots next Thursday instead of yesterday presents a different problem. It means it will only be two days after our shots that we are scheduled to pack the truck and drive to Florida. If we have a reaction and don’t feel our best, the last thing I want to do is start on a long road trip. And, we’ll be staying in hotels for nearly two weeks. I want at least ten days of immunity before we do that. So…that left only one option. Postpone the surgery.

Initially, I asked if we could postpone for two weeks. Unfortunately, that puts us right square into the first week of spring break. That’s something we pearly want to avoid, covid or not. Instead, we pushed the surgery back one full week. That will give us enough time to be on top of our game before we pack up and head out on a road trip. It also puts us closer to the middle of March and hopefully this winter weather will have wound down by that time.

As soon as I rescheduled, I felt a sense of relief. It felt like a “better fit”, if that makes any sense to you. After this many trips around the sun, I’ve learned to pay attention to my gut and if my gut says this is better, then it’s better.

Some time after dark last night, I was video chatting with Daughter #1 on her way home from work when Mr. FixIt got up and looked out the back door. There were tail lights out in our field. Two cars had tried to pass each other on our little road and as soon as the pickup truck’s tires went off the edge of the road, he knew he was a goner. Down he went into the field and Mr. FixIt made a bee line out there as fast as he could before the guy spun too much and tore up the grass. The young fellow in the pickup called his dad to come down with the 4-wheeler to pull him out and they were soon on their way.

I’ve been playing with my genealogy all week so I need to write today. I have some writing jobs to send out, so I’ll work on that and start getting things together for the taxes. And, today is Friday…another week closer to spring!


“I ask the glorious Father and God of our Lord Jesus Christ to give you his Spirit. The Spirit will make you wise and let you understand what it means to know God.”

Ephesians 1:17 CEV

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