Day 288: My Mirror Lies!

The house here on the Ponderosa was built in the ‘70s. The closets have sliding mirrored doors, strategically placed so that when I roll out of bed in the morning, my dimply white cheese thighs glare at me unforgivingly. 

“Look what you’ve done to us,” they shout! “We used to be so pretty!!!”

I look at the mirror and say, “Shut up, you guys! You brought it on yourself. You’re the ones carrying me into the kitchen 500 times a day. Get a grip!”

I sit on the edge of the bed, feet dangling forlornly over the edge of the bed, and I sigh.

“It’s not my fault, you know. If we had proper wooden closet doors like they do in 21st Century houses, we wouldn’t be having this discussion, now would we? Hmmmmm?” I frown at my walking shoes peeking out from under the edge of the bed.

“And what about you guys? Where have YOU been?” I harrumph with disgust at the traitors hiding under my side of the bed. “I haven’t heard much out of you either!”

“Hey, don’t blame us…we’ve been calling your name for months now, but you don’t listen! And now look at where we all are.”

I’d love to say my mirror lies. So do my thighs and my running shoes. But it’s not true. It’s me. It’s been a hard year. And there were all those cookies and breads and pies and stuff to bake and cook and can. Now…it’s time to pay the piper.

It’s supposed to be a beautiful day today…not too cool. Just right to get out and walk some of these baked goods off my ample backside and come back to the real world. It would be awful to get to the point where we can get out and do things again and I’d be six feet under from a heart attack or something. Nope, having this conversation with my thighs every morning has to stop. It’s time to get the walking shoes out and send this extra weight packing! After all…if all goes well, we’ll be having our 50th High School Reunion sometime in August of 2021! That’s something Mr. FixIt and I have really been looking forward to!!!

No need to wait till January 1st to start a New Year’s Resolution. Those never stick anyway. I just want to feel better. I don’t want my hips to hurt and make me have to toss and turn all night. I want to have more energy and less indigestion. I don’t want to live in leggings for the rest of my life. 

My new mantra for 2021… “Use It or Lose It!”


“You surely know that your body is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives. The Spirit is in you and is a gift from God. You are no longer your own. God paid a great price for you. So use your body to honor God.”

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 CEV

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