Day 283: Winter Solstice…Here Comes the Sun!

We just went through the longest, darkest night of the longest darkest year. I always look forward to December 22nd as the beginning. It symbolizes the gradual…way TOO gradual…lengthening of the days. It won’t be too long till we’ll start noticing the sun setting a little later week by week. This day, and March 17th for some reason, are always days filled with hope and joy and promise.

I’m trying hard not to look at all the reasons to be sad this year, but it isn’t easy. Hearing all the tragic storied surrounding the spread of the Coronavirus and the inability of the medical community to keep up is just staggering. Coming on the heels of those reports are stories of the impending holiday with its travel and traditional gatherings that people just will not give up. The storm will surge again and again. We simply must make sacrifices for the effort for the common good. As I tell my family…it isn’t forever. It’s just for now.

Daughter #1 has been dropping hints regarding our Christmas present this year. She says it’s something I want. Something I discussed in a recent conversation. And I don’t have to go out and buy one now. I think I know what it is, but I’m not saying out loud. Mr. FixIt and I decided not to exchange gifts this year because we just bought the new recliners and a new microwave. And, he gave me an antique gold wedding band to replace the one that won’t go over my swollen knuckles. We received some beautiful handmade gifts from my step-daughter this weekend. There will be a few other things. Neighbors have brought cookies. And the former Mrs. FixIt gifted us a huge cookie tray with magnificent treats in it. So, we’re set. But, if the gift from my daughter is what I think it is, it’s going to be such a delight!

Hubby #2 and I got married on this day, forty-one years ago. He was in his first year of medical school and we were poor as church mice. We got married at home with a couple dozen friends attending. We ate and drank and danced the night away. And we celebrated all the joyful days we had in front of us…as lovers always do when they marry. As it turned out, we did have many years of joy…and just as many that were dark and difficult…as often happens when lovers marry young. This day still holds that hope for a brighter tomorrow for me…no matter what else had happened on the date in the past.

One of our local grands sent me pictures of our great grandson opening his Christmas presents from us this weekend. We decided it was imperative the cinnamon rolls will still need to be made this week and delivered before Christmas Eve! Mr. FixIt and I want to go for a long drive and see the Christmas lights so I’ll make them, package them up, and deliver them while we are out and about. We’ll be Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus!


“As long as the earth remains, there will be planting and harvest, cold and heat; winter and summer, day and night.”

Genesis 8:22 CEV

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