Day 189: “I’m Makin’ Waffles!”

In April 2001, a brand new movie came out that kids everywhere loved. Shrek was a green skinned troll with questionable social skills who paired up with a delightful donkey named…Donkey. They lived in the swamp and met up with Princess Fiona…a girl troll. It was fun and funny. Daughter #2 and I watched it a lot! She was eleven years old at the time…one of our fondest memories.

Donkey wants a sleepover and he declares he’s getting up the next morning and making waffles!!! Ahhhhh….waffles. That was a very special treat at our house reserved for the occasional Saturday morning. We had a rather large waffle iron and the batter invariably stuck to the plates of the iron no matter how much you oiled them. But when they did come out well, they were decadent. The butter pooled in the little wells of the waffle, soon to fight for its place when the syrup was poured on.

I had a nice waffle iron at one point. And it may be one of the things I saved to use in TOW-Wanda when I traveled. But I haven’t see it in ages so I started looking for one. People must not be making waffles like they used to because I couldn’t find a regular waffle iron anywhere. I did find a few Belgian varieties, but that’s not what I wanted.

I’ve been in every store in town over the last few weeks just popping my head into the kitchen department and they were either out of stock or never carried them. I know God loves for us to come to him with even the most mundane requests so I asked Him to direct me to a waffle iron. And not just any old iron either. I wanted the big square one that made four smaller square waffles. And, wouldn’t it be wonderful if it was multipurpose like these new ones are now? Where you can open it up, lay it flat and turned the metal plates over to the smooth side to use as a griddle? That, please.

Every time I go to town, I check someplace else. Then yesterday, I was driving down the main drag of town when I just “felt” that waffle iron was nearby. I looked to my right and there was Goodwill. Masked up and phone in hand, I wandered in. I looked up and down the aisles and was not finding any kitchen items. Then, I got the nudge. “Look there!” And there she was! Exactly what I wanted. It even has the accompanying booklets to go with it!

I took my treasure to the front to pay and the clerk asked if I qualified for the “Senior Discount”. Part of me wanted to bristle up in indignation. The other part say, heck yeah…bring it on!

“That’ll be $2.89, please.”

Are you kidding me??? I was nearly giddy with the experience!

So that’s the story of the $2.89 waffle maker. 

Guess what WE had for supper?

“I’m makin’ WAFFLES!”


“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:19 ESV

4 thoughts on “Day 189: “I’m Makin’ Waffles!”

  1. I had one that had a Pizzelle maker on the flip side. It only made two waffles, but I was single at the time so it was perfect. It was lost in a move. Enjoy your waffle treats! <3

  2. Does that booklet have the recipe for “fancy waffles” or “favorite waffles” (or similar) in it? I have the same “wafflebaker” and lost the booklet years ago. My dad used to make waffles for us from that instruction booklet with a name like that.

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