Coffee with Wanda Belle

Autumn colors
“The many colors of Autumn”

I was pouring my coffee yesterday and my mom popped in my head. She often does, but yesterday she “came” to have coffee with me. Mom loved her coffee…hot and black. She had a Pyrex coffee pot and I was enamored with the way you could watch the coffee brewing…bubbling up through the center tube into the glass handle of the lid then seeping down through the grounds. There was never a time when there wasn’t coffee on the stove.

Until she got older. Then it was “too much work” or “the pot is just too heavy to lift”. Then she turned to Sanka. Ok, there might be some of you who like Sanka. If you do, I mean no offense…I don’t mean to “yuck your yum”. But…ugh! Any instant coffee is a poor substitute for the real thing, in my humble opinion. I felt she had just…settled.

As I poured my coffee and thought of Mom, I could almost hear her say, “Why are you bothering with this whole rigamarole? You get out the grinder and the beans. You measure and grind till it’s just so. You measure again and pour the bottled water in the coffee maker. You plug it in and wait. What an ordeal. Just get yourself a jar of Sanka!”

I smiled.

“Yeah…no, Mom. It my routine. It’s my pleasure. When I have that first sip of hot, strong coffee (with cream and stevia, please) I’m in heaven!” Is it more work? Not that much. When I first started this trip, I bought a “pour over” thingy. I used it for the first week or two and stopped at the first Walmart I came across to buy a 4-cup Mr. Coffee. That’s the perfect size to fill my Tervis coffee cup twice. And the second cup is hot in the electric coffee maker.

Someone gave me a hand grinder and a French press many years ago. I used it when I was on The Grand Adventure in Colorado those three months after Mr. Virgo died. Many times I didn’t have electricity but I wasn’t about to turn to instant. Making coffee off the grid was a lot more work than this…but oh, it was the best coffee ever! I thought about bringing that setup with me on this trip but I knew, even without electricity, I can use the little Mr. Coffee because of the solar panels on the roof of the r-pod. Isn’t that a trip? I haven’t tried it yet…but I will before this ride is over.

I’m camping in the woods again this time. I love waking to see the trees all around, to hear the wind rustle through the leaves, to step out of the camper into the glorious light of autumn shining with that rare amber light of fall. I believe I’ll take my coffee down to the river and set a spell before I start my project of the day. I hope you get outside and enjoy some of this before winter sets in.


“You make darkness, and it is night, when all the beasts of the forest creep about. The young lions roar for their prey, seeking their food from God. When the sun rises, they steal away and lie down in their dens. Man goes out to his work and to his labor until the evening.”

Psalms 104:20-23 ESV

2 thoughts on “Coffee with Wanda Belle

  1. God love your mom, but just say no to instant coffee! LOL I’m with you. It’s not that much effort to make a good cup, and it’s sooooooo good. My husband didn’t drink coffee when we met. I’ve trained him properly now!

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