Christmas: A Season of Healing

Santa and Mrs. Claus
“My Santa and Mrs. Claus”

Dear Santa,

This is the sixth Christmas without my Mr. Virgo. I know you remember the day I sat beside you in your great big comfy chair. It was that first awful Christmas after he died. I was crying and you saw me standing there alone. And that great big heart of yours was so soft…you moved over to make room for me and patted the seat, letting me know I should come sit for a while. 

I was crying…trying so hard to regain my composure. You waited patiently for me to gather my wits about me. Finally, I leaned towards you. You leaned in to hear. “My husband died. I need a new heart.” I could almost hear your heart breaking for me. You put your arm around my shoulders and whispered back. “I’m so sorry.” Your voice was thick with emotion. You patted my back as my shoulders shook with sobs. 

It wasn’t long till I got it together. I apologized for being such a mess. You said, “Nonsense. You’re perfect!” As I prepared to leave, you asked, “Won’t you have your picture taken with me?” My heart skipped a beat and for just a moment…a fleeting moment, I felt the joy of childhood as I nodded yes.

We took a photo, you and I…and we were bonded in that moment. I’ve written to you every year since that December day in 2013. I’ve related my progress as I’ve navigated this grief journey…my ups and downs. My successes and the stumbles. And here it is…2018…and have I got news for you!

I got married!!! Yes…it’s true! I came back to West Virginia two years ago. Along the way, I ran into my best guy pal from high school and, well…the rest is history! We were married in a field at his home. We were married by our lifelong friend…a pastor. And, Santa…he such a good man, my Mr. FixIt. We are two peas in a pod. He goes to church with me every Sunday. It is the first time I have been equally yoked in a marriage and it is amazing!

I just wanted to let you know I’m doing well. I still have moments where I experience grief. I always will…it is the price you pay for great love. I continue my mission of writing here and reaching others who are on the same journey. Thank you for being there for me that sad, sad day. Thank you for being my cheerleader. And thank you again…from the very bottom of my heart…for being real and asking Jesus to bring me a new heart. ❤️

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

Psalm 147:3 NIV


20 thoughts on “Christmas: A Season of Healing

  1. Merry Christmas to you and your Husband, and a Merriest New Year.
    Thank you for sharing your life with us, You are a wonderful and kind hearted Lady.
    God Bless you forever.

    Lots of Hugs and Prayer.


  2. Merry Christmas Ginny. I remember your visit with Santa. What a wonderful experience you had during grief! God is amazing! Merry Christmas ?

  3. Merry Christmas to you and your Mr. Fixit. wishing you LOVE, JOY & PEACE. Enjoy & make more beautiful memories. Happy New Year 2019!!

  4. Merry Christmas and thank you for your words of encouragement your heart was always there it just grew stronger and bigger so you could help others ❤️ God bless you ?

  5. Ginny, it is always wonderful to see Gods handiwork in our lives. Only through faith do we get through it until one day we look back and see how He brought us through the storm.
    Santa & Mrs. Claus

  6. Today’s Scripture is absolutely true for me. When my beautiful daughter Hillary committed suicide 4 years ago last week, I didn’t think my ripped heart would ever mend. But it did! Yes, there is still occasional pain and sadness that she’s not here, but it’s not so deep or prolonged. My motto is “Life is hard. God is good.” God has been very good to us! Merry Christmas dear Ginny to you and Mr. Fixit!

  7. Just beautiful as always, Ginny. Have a wonderful Christmas and may the New Year bring you continued joy with Mr. Fixit!

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