Bright Spots

In the days following a holiday as festive as Christmas and nights as long, dark, and cold as January, it is difficult to find the bright spots and maintain an upbeat attitude. My heart says hibernate till spring but my head says GET UP, GET UP…GET UP!

We have a large group family outing scheduled today that I’m really looking forward to. I haven’t said anything all week, but I was sick as a dog from Tuesday when I came down with a cold till Friday when I got enough cold medicine in me to get me sitting up and taking nourishment. Couldn’t miss Christmas! I’m still pretty darned tired but improving daily.

I have some people who need some prayers so I’m going to start a prayer chain in my Sunday posts.

There’s a little boy named Caysen in Columbus who is really struggling. He was born with a heart defect and had surgery but is much, much sicker than they anticipated. Please pray they find out how to address his medical issues and he is healed.

A friend from high school lost her mom when she passed in her sleep on the 23rd. The funeral is Monday. Please pray for their support and comfort in the coming days and beyond.

Another friend from high school had a heart attack last week as well as pneumonia. Please pray for healing.

Another friend from high school is suffering from cancer and COPD. Please pray for comfort and healing.

Another friend totaled her car yesterday and miraculously was not injured. Pray she remains without injury symptoms and there is a rapid settlement.

Please feel free to add your own prayer requests below. Together we are stronger.


“Lord my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me.”

Psalm 30:2 NIV

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