
golden gate bridge meme

My heart is tender. My feelings lie on the surface like pebbles on a beach, washed over by the waves of grief till they are worn smooth. Gone are the jagged shards of a broken heart only to be replaced by one so tender and bruised that I tend to want to keep it safely tucked away, untouched. At the same time, I yearn for companionship. It’s a tightrope I walk blindfolded, praying there is a net and I’ll get to the other side. I have so many interests that have come along since Mr. Virgo died. I am not willing to give those up for anyone at this point. The good news is, there is no hurry…time is unimportant in grief.

I have been expanding my social network the last couple of months. With the new year came new friendships and reunions with old friends I hadn’t seen in years. Connections are being made that will promote my writing and offer new opportunities for speaking engagements. Friendships are being forged and strengthened that offer me comfort and joy. I have a business idea in mind with one friend. Another friend and I are going to plan a women’s retreat at her property. I am being called to speak for a women’s ministry. Bridges are being built between the dark pain of the last year and the bright light of a new life. I am taking steps out on that bridge, a little bit at a time, till I trust it won’t spill me into the chasm below. The walls are tumbling down.

This is good. I am exploring who I am and what I want my life to look like. I have choices and I’m allowing myself to make them. I’m allowing myself to feel. I’m allowing myself time. My network is expanding providing a web of support and love. Yes…this is good.

Breathe deep…walk slowly…pick your head up. You are beautiful and strong.

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