Bluebird Skies and Rest

Midday Moon

The skies were clear during the night so it was bitter cold and didn’t warm up during the day. Still, yesterday was incredibly beautiful. The sky was a perfect bluebird blue without a cloud in sight. Of course, that means it was going to get really cold again during the night. It’s definitely been a soup week here at Marshmallow Ranch. Yesterday I made a pot of Cheesy Broccoli and Ham soup and it was SO good!. Mr. FixIt went to the bowling alley last night and on the way home, he stopped to get eggs. He brought home stuff to make tacos today, which sounds great to me.

I worked on my projects while Mr. FixIt was gone, but truth be told I spent most of the evening watching YouTube videos. I looked at a couple of knitting videos then one of Miss Brenda Gantt’s videos came up. She was making Head Cheese or Souse Meat. Her daughter was at the grocery store where they were selling hog’s heads so she bought one for her mom. Being from Andalusia, Alabama…Miss Brenda is no stranger to southern delicacies such as souse. The only thing is, she had never made it before. Bless her heart…it took her three days from purchase to product and she swore she would never do it again. But, at least she can say she did it once.

That is much like some of my escapades. Remember the great tamale fiasco? Or the bone broth? I’m sure there are many other recipes I’ve attempted, but I can guarantee you…I’ll never try to make tamales or bone broth again. As is my wont, I had to check out how other people made souse and I stumbled upon a video of a woman making it and honestly…I couldn’t get through the sounds of the process. So…There went my evening. But I needed a night of vegging out and I took it.

I’m hoping our knitting group will meet today. I’ve got several projects to take with me. Next up…TACOS!


”And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done.“

Genesis 2:2 ESV

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