Black Kitty, Black Friday

Black kitten
“Little Black Kitty – Big Black Friday”

We have to go to town today. Ugh! I avoid Black Friday like the plague. But, we are having our family Thanksgiving on Sunday and there are fresh things I need to buy to prepare. Mr. FixIt was lamenting because Walmart will be crazy. We almost forget about real stand alone grocery stores and they should be less chaotic. My favorite store in the area is the Kroger over in Belpre. It’s as close to a Denver grocery as I have ever found here.

Yesterday was a beautiful day…just the two of us. We cleaned house a little. Mr. FixIt shampooed the carpet down the hall. I made the brine for the turkey. We washed the windows in the family room. I am so glad to get the bathroom fixtures and tools out of there…it needed a good cleaning. We put up the tree and it made me miss my Colorado peeps…a lot.

I talked to my brother yesterday and I FaceTimed with Daughter #1. She was cooking her Thanksgiving Dinner as we chatted. My son-in-law was in the background, peeling potatoes. As I watched her, she told me what she was doing. She took her phone and focused on each dish and told me how she made it. She makes this really great Sausage-Cranberry Stuffing. I asked her about making sweet potatoes and she showed me a trick I had never heard of before.

First, she cleans, peels, and cubes her sweet potatoes. Then she puts brown sugar in the bottom of a CrockPot to the depth of her first knuckle. She puts the cubed sweet potatoes on top and pats them down a little, and dabs about 3 tbsp of butter on top. Cover and turn on low for 2.5 hours or so, then turn to high. Stir gently every once in a while to coat the potatoes with the brown sugar. The sweet potatoes have enough moisture in them, you don’t have to add liquid. When they are fork tender, turn the CrockPot to warm. She throws miniature marshmallows on top at that point and they melt and get gooey by serving time. I don’t usually add marshmallows to my sweet potatoes because I don’t like them that sweet. Her late grandpa taught her how to make them. We really miss Pop, so I’m happy to have one of his recipes.

As I was washing the windows in the family room, the little kitty sat so regally out in the yard watching my every move. She is growing fast and will go in Monday to be spayed. I’m glad we decided to stay home because it was snowing in the mountains about the time we would have been driving through. I’m hoping to have some time to knit today, because I didn’t even pick it up yesterday. And, tomorrow I need to start cooking. I hope you all celebrated Thanksgiving in a way that brought you peace.

If you are heading out to shop on Black Friday, let me share something with you I saw online. 

Look around.

All that clutter, used to be money.

And that money used to be time.

Maybe consider experiences instead of too much stuff. 

When you’re dead and gone…no one will ever say, “Gosh, I wish Grandma would have bought me more stuff.” They’ll miss YOU. Six months from now, they won’t remember what you gave them, but they’ll remember spending special time with you.

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

Psalms 90:12 NIV

One thought on “Black Kitty, Black Friday

  1. I fully agree with experiences over stuff. My grandkids get way too much stuff. For their birthdays I give them a certificate for a special day out with Gram Gram (as they call me) In the past we have went to a neighboring town and rode the carousal, built sand castles on the beach and played in the parks and went out to eat at their choice of places. Last year I had just bought my motorhome so we spent 2 nights in it, just me and them. We swam, made sandcastles, played in the park, ate ice cream and rode our bikes. As the one’s birthday is in November, we had about 8 months to plan and look forward to our special time. This year the youngest will old enough to go and enjoy and remember. Christmas they get movie passes, fast food gift cards and Baskin Robbins cards. I do usually buy a toy or something for them to open and enjoy on Christmas.

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