Black Friday

I traveled yesterday so I was in my truck much of the day…however, I wasn’t shopping and I stopped often to step out in the fresh air and sunshine near the Eastern Continental Divide, so I qualified for #OptOutside. One of my favorite views in WV is the overlook on 33 just a mile or two west from the top of North Mountain. I love to stop and snap a couple of pictures because it always looks so different each time I travel through there.

I started making some Christmas ornaments Thursday out of old silver spoons. It felt so good to tap into my creative side again. It reminded me I need to incorporate that into my daily routine. Back in the ’60s, Helen and Scott Nearing wrote a lovely little book called Living the Good Life. This was at a time in my life that I was definitely an Earth Mother Hippy Chick. We had two acres with a five bedroom log house. We burned wood in a stove in the basement. We had the logs delivered…cutting and splitting them ourselves. I was a stay at home mom and doctor’s wife. I had a 4,000 square foot garden and canned just about everything. I made our bread, yoghurt, and tofu from scratch. We boarded horses for a friend and rode as often as possible. I quilted, sewed, knitted, crocheted, and cross stitched. I owned every back issue of Mother Earth News Magazine. Those were golden years…a ton of work but so fulfilling. The Nearings spoke of the importance of dividing your day. The morning was filled with subsistence living…chores around the house/farm. The afternoons were devoted to self interests and cultural pursuits like practicing an instrument, painting, or writing. I have always loved the concept, however…I find it challenging as a Gemini.

I have a tendency to get REALLY…ummmmmm, obsessed with a project and I work it to death till I’m totally burned out (or, more likely, bored) and lose interest. Then I’m off doing the next thing that strikes my fancy. For much of my life, I’ve looked at this as some sort of character flaw. This amazing meditation series that I just completed has given me a different perspective. Instead of believing I am flighty, indecisive, undirected, and easily distracted…I’m choosing to say I’m creative, dedicated, artistic, and curious. Perhaps I can incorporate a bit more structure in my days to help me accomplish more. Or, perhaps I can just embrace who I am and enjoy myself…quirks and all. Yes! I think I’ll choose Door #2!

There’s something to be said for loving yourself exactly as you are. It took decades to get to this point. And, it could not be rushed. The feeling total self acceptance gives you is indescribably delicious. I love my 60’s!


“Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings; they will not serve before officials of low rank.”

Proverbs 22:29 NIV

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