Being Mindful

mindful meme
“Mind Full, or Mindful?”

Although I have had moments of panic, for the most part I have been pretty well centered on this journey. I am beyond tired but I am so excited and happy to be moving forward that it’s not really hitting me. It probably will once I’m done today.

The “hitch” with the hitch was rectified easily enough. My sales guy was off Monday and when he heard about what happened regarding the trailer hitch, was on the phone first thing yesterday morning reassuring me that he was going to make everything work exactly AS I wanted it, WHEN I wanted it. He called me five minutes later and said if I could be at the shop in 15 minutes, they could fit the hitch right away. He also moved appointments around so that I could come in this morning for the full walkthrough. Then the only thing left is the actual transaction after the closing and I will have my trailer by 3:30 this afternoon!!! He even offered to come help load it so the load will be distributed correctly and safely in the trailer and car. I was SO exhausted by 5pm yesterday, I gave in and called my dear friend, Deisy, to come help me for a couple of hours to clean the empty house.

I am done. I am ready. It seems surreal. It seems like it took forever. It did take six months and that was long enough. By tonight, I will be free! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your love and support, kindness and wisdom, patience and, well…..MORE patience! This has been an amazing journey of growth and letting go and it was made so much easier with you by my side.

Addendum: (@2:30am…can’t sleep…too excited!) For those who have followed me for quite some time, you probably remember that I was Jewish from 1978 to 2004. I finally went through the formal conversion process when I was expecting my second child, who is now 24. As I head into this new world, this new life, I was reminded that Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, starts today at sundown. I love synchronicity! Shana Tova….may you have a happy, healthy new year!


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