Beautiful May!

Good Morning, Ranchers!

May leaves us all too soon, doesn’t it? I know it’s supposed to be the kickoff to a wonderful summer, but in and of itself…May is just about perfect. When I woke up yesterday, I put the kettle on and took my mushroom coffee out to inspect the pollinator gardens. I’m sad to say, there weren’t nearly as many bees as there were last year. I don’t know if whoever had bees have stopped or what. I’ll keep watching for them. And when I mow, if I see one I wait till it moves on so I don’t run over it.

I sat on the steps of the camper and finished my morning drink and headed inside to see what Mr. FixIt was up to. He was just getting up so I got my morning hug and headed out to mow. It wasn’t a terribly hot day, but the allergens were kicking my butt yesterday. Honestly, I am terrible allergic to hay and when I mowed around the pollinator gardens, my nose was running like a sugar tree. I used to get that way when I worked with horses. And what is in the pollinator garden? Well…hay! That’s all hay is…field grasses and wild flowers. Really good hay usually has alfalfa and clover, too. But that’s why I’m so allergic…I’m growing hay! lol

I have the mowing down to a science. I can get the whole place finished in three to three and a half hours. I have the fields mapped out in my head and I figure out the passes around the field to include as few three point turns as possible. That really cuts out a lot of time. I was finished by 2:00 so I had the rest of the afternoon to chill before we went to the former Mrs. FixIt’s house for an impromptu dinner party. The kids were there and one set of grandkids and their significant others. And Aunt FixIt was there, too. We had a fire and ate lots of good food…pulled pork, corn on the cob, broccoli salad, blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, deviled eggs and I don’t know what all. Grandpa had the kids and grands up playing Corn Hole and as we left, someone was going for marshmallows to make s’mores. It was a really fun day! 

The next time we see the whole crew will more than likely be at the rehearsal dinner! Two weeks!!! Ok, I REALLY have to work on the quilt today. We’ll wait till next week to mow at the farm. I have to be out there for a couple of days anyway for the phone guy. I can mow while I’m there.

Here are some photos from the last week…I hope you enjoy!

Photos: Top Row – Mr. FixIt hiking in front of me, Golden Ragwort (toxic to dogs, cats and horses!), Our little shady spot by the river. Middle Row – Coleus, my reading material, Coleus. Bottom Row: Daisies in the pollinator garden, Canada Geese (8 Adults and 47 babies swam across the river right in front of us!), Red Sorrel


“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.”

Matthew 24:35 NIV


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