Back in the Saddle Again!

I’ll tell you what…recovery comes more slowly with age. Both Saturday night and Sunday night, I laid down at 5:00 just to stretch out and woke up at 9:30 in the morning! I went right out and mowed the yard yesterday as soon as I could because the temperature was supposed to be in the 90’s by mid-afternoon. I got almost finished and ran out of gas. After a quick trip to town for a refill, I did the last three loops and was done. It always looks so pretty when it’s finished.

I received a notification that Glenwood Springs had a frost warning out last night. Y’all have no idea how nice it is to live where there’s a long growing season. We have tomatoes on our plants and Colorado is having freeze warnings. There was a blessing in that weekend in the mountains when it snowed. I stayed three days longer than I expected to and really enjoyed visiting with my brother. He’s calling me more regularly now and sounds so much better. I was getting worried about him, but I think this new move and the extra attention is helping him. He called yesterday to tell me they were having a barbecue and playing games last night for Memorial Day. That does my heart good.

I haven’t touched anything I brought in from the truck. It’s still in a big pile in the living room. We have to mow at the farm today, I think. It’s supposed to rain the next couple of days so we’d better get out there. Mr. FixIt worked on his brakes yesterday while I mowed. We always have something to do at this time of year. The pool is just about ready to get in. I’m hoping the camper gets fixed soon because we have a little camping trip scheduled in the middle of June. Then we’ll probably put this one up for sale and look for a camper that better suits the kind of camping we do. 

We had a little calamity at the house Sunday. A couple of years ago, I built a birdhouse at a Girl Camper event with Gail at Beaver Creek State Park. The park naturalist did a talk about bluebirds and showed us how to build a birdhouse. When I got home, I sat it on top of the smoker and there it sat. As I was sitting on the deck having coffee Sunday morning, I was on a FaceTime call with Gail and thought I saw some movement out of the corner of my eye. I thought a bird went in the birdhouse, but I waited and never saw it again. Then, I got busy doing something else and forgot to investigate. 

Mr. FixIt came in to get me and showed me what happened. The cat knocked the birdhouse off the smoker and it shattered into several pieces. There were several little baby birds in the box and that scattered in every direction. They were SO close to fledging and I just hated that their time was interrupted. I gathered as many as I could find and put them back in the nest in a safe place. When I went out to check them yesterday morning, they were all gone. I am praying they made it up into the trees and bushes nearby. I believe they were Carolina Chickadees. They were so precious.

There is an Eastern Phoebe nesting in the light fixture over the basement stairs. She’s doing a great job and her nest is high and out of the way. I see her sitting on the edge of the pergola on the deck every morning. We have Red-Shouldered Hawks nesting on the ridge across from the house. I haven’t seen a single hummingbird which always worries me. Our West Virginia hills are filled with beautiful birdsong every day and it makes sitting out on the deck a true pleasure.

There was a possibility of a meteor shower last night, so check here tomorrow morning to see if I saw anything. I always write these posts the night before so they can go live at 4:00am. Some of you like to “visit” with me over morning coffee! Can you believe May is gone?!


“Beside them the birds of the heavens dwell; they sing among the branches.”

Psalm 104:12 ESV

2 thoughts on “Back in the Saddle Again!

  1. I have one hummingbird and plenty of cardinals at my bird feeder as well as doves. We have red headed woodpeckers too.

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