A Perfectly Beautiful Day

“Dining al fresco in the glory of autumn.”

Now that I have left the last campground, I can tell you about it. Some of my friends who have camped there guessed where I was. Revelle’s Family Campground is just up the road from Elkins, WV in a little burg called Bowden. There’s a fish hatchery there…and lots of cabins and campgrounds. I’ve driven past Revelle’s since I was a teenager. They actually opened when I was sixteen and the just celebrated their 50th Anniversary.

The current owners purchased it in 2015. It was a little rundown and they have put a lot into it, bringing some of it’s glorious past back to life. They have lots of fun activities like WVU Football Tailgate Parties and bingo every other weekend. There are over 200 campsites with several backed right up to Shaver’s Fork of the Cheat River…a stocked trout stream. About half the sites are permanent campers…meaning, they lease out the spot to one person on a yearly basis. Those campers treat their travel trailers like a mountain cabin and often only come for weekends. There are some who come to spend the summer.

I was really taken by the lovely surroundings and the equally lovely owner, Katharine. I can already envision organizing a Girl Camper trip next October to show off the amazing colors this time of year.

Yesterday was my travel day to the next campground. My route took me on a two-lane blacktop that climbed over mountains, twisting and turning through forests of hardwoods, evergreens, and the ever present mountain laurel. It was sunny and absolutely gorgeous as I climbed through the Allegheny Mountains and the colors were spectacular. Every turn was more beautiful than the last. However, there were NO turnoffs or scenic overlooks and I couldn’t very well stop in the middle of the road to take pictures so I will have to search the internet for the photos taken by others of this area to give you some idea. I’m telling you…words cannot do this day justice.

Along the way, I saw a sign for an old general store which is really more of a museum these days. I was fortunate to find a parking place out front and welcomed the opportunity to get out and stretch my legs. The owner was graciously greeting the crowds of people as they made their way to the portico out front. When he greeted me, he asked where I was from. When I told him Parkersburg, he lit up. He was born and raised just a couple of miles from me and graduated the year after Mr. FixIt and me and knew my sweet hubby back in the day!

Tom Shipley’s mother left this farm to him, thus ensuring the little store and grounds would stay open and in the family. Tom says it’s a lot of work, but he’s been there since 2004 and is a fixture in the community. There is a small log cabin located on the grounds not far from the huge main house. It turned out to have been built by Tom’s great-great-great grandparents. What a treat that must be to have that family legacy remain in the same hands throughout the generations. I would have loved to have stayed longer, but I needed to move on. But, not without purchasing some jars of homemade apple butter, red raspberry jam, and cherry jam first. Tom carried my purchases out to the truck for me and gave me a big hug…”for Parkersburg,” he said.

Unfortunately, as I crested the last mountain, the clouds gathered and that was the end of the glorious sunshine. Still, it was quite beautiful as I closed in on my final destination. I got unhooked and set up and within minutes, I had people wanting to come see the camper and buy tickets for the raffle. The only way to purchase tickets is to buy them online at girlcamper.com . I can’t tell you how many people reach for their wallets when they find out we are raffling off this trailer!

There is WiFi at this campground, but no cellular because of the blackout area of Greenbank Observatory. I’ll write about that another day. The WiFi is pretty slow and has to be shared by all the campers, so I don’t know if photos will come through to post or not…we’ll see. In the meantime, it was supposed to rain all last night and all day today. I have an indoor project to do today, so that will be perfect timing.


“Then shall the trees of the forest sing for joy before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth.”
1 Chronicles 16:33 ESV

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