A Man of Honor

Senator John McCain (Photo via Washington Post)
“Senator John McCain 1936-2018”

“Good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren…”  Proverbs 13:22 NLT

*****Disclaimer: I removed a blatant political comment from a reader. For one, because we don’t discuss politics here. I am not rewarding that kind of negativity with a response. I am not making a political statement by honoring Senator McCain. I am honoring a man who was a devoted family man…a husband, father, friend. I am honoring a soldier, like Mr. Virgo. I am remembering the sacrifices he made for this country….sitting in a Vietnamese prison as a POW, for one. I may not have always agreed with his politics, but I can still honor a man who reached across the aisles. 

And lastly, the comment included a slur that I will not ever tolerate on this page. The “r” word. There is no place for that here. 

I am surprised, and dismayed, at the number of people who have unliked my page this morning…obviously because of this post. I hate that we live in such a divisive society that we can’t tolerate a post that remarks on the death of someone in the political arena that sits on the other side of the aisle. I wrote this as a memorial of sorts. Not only to Senator McCain, but to his family and loved ones who are now members of a club many of us belong to and didn’t ask to join. 

And to another of Mr. Virgo’s wonderful stories.*****

I am a liberal Democrat, but I really liked Senator John McCain. He spoke in a no-nonsense way and didn’t mince words. He told it like it was and he wasn’t particularly concerned who’s feathers it might ruffle. 

When Mr. Virgo and I first started dating, he worked at the Hotel Jerome in Aspen. Every September, Teddy Forstmann…a wealthy NY financier…gathered the best and the brightest from around the world for the Forstmann Little Conference. He was brilliant and chose an eclectic group…from four-star generals to political powerhouses to athletic superstars. All expenses were paid and the guest roster was always super secret until the opening of the conference. No one ever spoke of the contents of the discussions in the room. Mr. Virgo and the manager of the hotel were the only two people on staff who had a high enough security clearance to go inside. And they were sworn to secrecy.

Mr. Virgo and I had been dating about a year when the conference convened in September 2006. General Colin Powell was in a wheelchair after breaking a leg. Mr. Virgo told me about tripping over him when he was serving and nearly landing in his lap. He was hush-hush about all but one…Senator John McCain. Mr. Virgo was a staunch Republican. We decided early on we were going to just agree to disagree about politics and call it good. He rarely ever brought it up, but this particular night…he came home in awe. He said, “This man needs to run for the Presidency.” He raved about the Senator’s ability to capture a room and mesmerize his audience in his straight-shooter fashion. He couldn’t stop talking about him.

I liked Senator McCain. He was compassionate yet a maverick as he fought with both sides of the aisle. His sense of honor and duty were exemplary. We’ve known for over a year now that he had an aggressive brain cancer. We knew we would be losing him. His treatments allowed him many months of a better quality of life than he would have had otherwise and that offered his family more time to share with their loved one. As those of us who have lost a spouse know, no amount of preparation ahead of time eases the pain of loss and there is a family out there today that is grieving the death of a great man. My heart goes out to them today and my prayer is for their comfort and strength to get through the coming days, weeks, months without him.

Rest In Peace, sir. Thank you for your service.

Senator John McCain 1936-2018



16 thoughts on “A Man of Honor

  1. i am a canadian . i would never personally know senator Mc cain i admired him. he seemed to be so genuine and said what he meant. he served his country well for all of his adult life and remained a decent ,caring ,family man with values. that seems so rare today sadly. may he rest in Gods peace and his family find comfort in having had such a loving man.

  2. Ginney,I to believe Senator McCain was a straight shooter.He spoke I terms we could all understand he was for the people.He will be missed by so many.RIP senator McCain .

  3. I lost my husband to the same brain cancer that John McCain had. It is a sad day for this country when politics are more important than the loss of a great man. I pray for comfort for his family. A

  4. i think this was a great tribute with much interest. Why anyone would unfollow you for this is beyond me. Keep writing your true feelings if no one follows you but me.

  5. Thank you, Ginny, for today’s message. Your tribute is a reflection of how many of us feel, no matter which political party we identify with. ? ??

  6. Thanks Ginny, for the beautiful tribute to Senator John McCain, I really liked the man. He was a kind caring man who had family values. I agree with Mr. Virgo, he would have been a good president. God Bless his family and friends.

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