A Little Surprise

I gave Jan seeds from the white pumpkins we decorated with at our wedding in October 2018. She has planted them every year except this one. She surprised me yesterday with a little wedding pumpkin that came up as a volunteer this summer!

Our friend Jan came to camp with us last night. She just bought a beautiful used Roadtrek 170 and hasn’t slept in it yet so this was her maiden voyage. What a beautiful camper van! I don’t know if Mr. FixIt and I could both sleep in it. The bed is really small. But the front chairs turn around and there is a way to turn one of them into a narrow twin. It might be something to look at down the road when we don’t want to tow anymore. It would be a great way to just jump up and go at the drop of a hat. In other words…my kind of travel.

Gail and I went to East Palestine again yesterday. I wanted to check in on my new friend Lonnie at Mama’s Attic. She’s closing her shop November 1st and I picked up a few more bargains I’ll share with you down the road. We came back to the campground and it was my turn to cook. I made a big breakfast with scrambled eggs, turkey sausage, and fried apples and peaches. SO good! The low Wednesday night was 43 and last night was predicted to be the same. 

I love sleeping when it’s cold. I even leave the windows open, but I sleep under an electric blanket and I’m cozy as a kitten. It didn’t get very warm yesterday. Gail fixed a really great meal that I am going to have to make for Mr. FixIt. He loves Cabbage Rolls but they are a pain to make. Gail makes a Cabbage Roll Casserole. You cut your cabbage in big slices and stick it in the microwave for a while to soften up. Fry a pound of ground turkey. I would also add a chopped onion. (She couldn’t remember if I liked onions or not so she left them out.) Then add some jarred spaghetti sauce, a handful of brown rice, maybe a can of diced tomatoes, and add the cabbage, season with salt and pepper and let it simmer on the stove or an electric skillet for a while. OMGosh! It was delicious!

Gail’s Cabbage Roll Casserole

With tummies full of warm food (and watermelon for dessert), we moved our chairs around the campfire and tried to call in the owls. We got one barred owl to “chat” with us for a bit. I think maybe after a few days of calling them in, you can’t fool them quite so easily. By 9:00, when the owl conversation was over, we called it a night and went to our respective little homes on wheels. 

These get togethers with girlfriends pass by way too fast. We had such a wonderful time. I got to camp with Gail four times this year and that was a rare treat. Now it’s time to go home and we may not see each other again till we plan a late winter/early spring craft weekend. I head out this morning and I can’t wait to get home and give Mr. FixIt and big hug! He and his friend Harry installed the new garage door yesterday, so now Pumpkin can have the run of the building at night again.

Our cozy campfire.

I’ll be home for three days then Mr. FixIt and I leave Monday to go camping at one of our favorite campgrounds on the banks of the Ohio River. We love mid-week camping in the fall. The kids are in school. The tourists are practically nonexistent. And we often have the place pretty much to ourselves. The nice thing is, this is a Corps of Engineers campground. It will be nice to get away with my sweetie in the camper for a few days. He deserves a break!


“And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.”

Mark 6:31 ESV

#Camping, #Rest, #Autumn


Halloween Pumpkin…a black cat just like our Pumpkin Kitty. She got the name because I met her on Halloween!

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