A Cozy Day at Home

Mr. FixIt and I enjoyed a quiet day yesterday. I fixed my favorite breakfast…grits and eggs. We watch a few episodes of Bull then I went downstairs to play in my studio. I knitted up the pieces for a little teddy bear that I’ll piece together today at knitting group. He substituted on the bowling team last night so I had a quiet evening in front of the “fire.” I turned on a video of a crackling fireplace, made a nice cup of Massala Chai, and settled into the Big Red Chair. I was in hog heaven!

It’s hard to believe this is the last week of January! We don’t have a lot on our schedule right now. An appointment in town today after knitting group. Mr. FixIt’s birthday is Thursday. I keep looking for a time on the calendar when I’m free enough to spend a few days at The Farm. Maybe I can get away this weekend for a couple of days. We’ll see.

I purchased an Echo Show for my brother. It arrived this week and my friend Alice will be setting it up for him next weekend. I talked to him last night and told him we would be able to video chat soon and his main concern was making sure we had clothes on when we call. I reassured him and told him we don’t just drop in on each other. It’s sort of like a phone call…you don’t have to pick up. You just don’t answer if you aren’t presentable. He’s learned so much in the last twenty years since Mom died, but he has trouble comprehending some things.

I am so grateful God brought him to this place in Colorado. For those of you who may not remember, my brother has cerebral palsy and had always lived at home with Mom. When she died after a brief illness in 2004, he wanted to come to Colorado to live near me. I went to the agency to enroll him for the residential program only to be told there was a ten year waiting list. I was not a Christian at that point, yet I prayed if this was His will, would He please intervene and get him accepted. Three days later, I received a phone call saying my brother had been approved for emergency funding since his primary caregiver had died. They said that wasn’t unusual…you just fill out a form and they approve it. However, they also had an unexpected opening in one of the houses which was highly unusual. But, here’s where it got really interesting…they called everyone on the ten year waiting list and no one could move in by the end of the month. So, if I could get him there…the spot was his! I was dumbfounded and that was the beginning of my search for a relationship with Jesus.

God is so good to us…all the time!


”And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.“

Philippians 4:19 ESV

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