When the Little People Come

I had an appointment in town yesterday morning and snuck out without waking Mr. FixIt. I stopped for a coffee and read my morning devotionals while I waited for my appointment time. Once I was done, I got a text from one of my bonus granddaughters asking if she and the kids could come swim. Turned out TWO bonus granddaughters and all three great grandkids arrived. It was so much fun, but I told them there was a reason God gives children to young people. They were SO busy!

When the kids were finally worn out and they headed home, I told Mr. FixIt I’d make him a nice supper and headed in the house. He laughed and called after me, “Are you sure you’ve got the energy left for that?” Well, I wasn’t at all sure, really…but I would give it my best shot.

I herb roasted some chicken thighs I got yesterday…eight huge meaty thighs for $2.99! Fixed some fried green tomatoes. And opened a quart of my home-canned half runner beans. The only thing missing was hot buttered biscuits, but I didn’t want to heat up both ovens.

It was so good to see the kids. Our granddaughter said she hadn’t been to our house since Christmas 2019! The pandemic kept them away last year, and she’s been super busy so far this summer. They loved the new carpet in the family room. It was so much fun swimming with the kids. The almost four-year-old was really timid about the water at first, but by the time they left, she was jumping in and letting me catch her and putting her face in the water. The almost two-year-old wasn’t having it. He is not crazy about water. But, by the time they were ready to leave, he would come sit at the edge with me and put his hands in the water. I held water in my hands and made like it was a big secret and asked him what it was He said “water” as plain as day. He has grown so much…they all have. The little one is about a year-and-a-half. He was a daredevil at first and we were all on our toes trying to watch him. 

My Favorite Summer Dining Spot

I’ve really been enjoying summer and not cooking so much. Cooking just heats up the house. It reminds me of why people had summer kitchens back in the day. I’d love to have one where I could not only cook in the summer, but can in the fall. My late cousin, Tommy, had the most fabulous kitchen set up in their garage. He could butcher, can, smoke, and barbecue to his heart’s content out there. I miss him…he was one sweet guy.

We are having cooler night-time temperatures this week and that makes for great sleeping weather out in the camper! It’s my “substitute camping” experience…but hey…when you’ve got five acres, you might as well take advantage of it, right? 

I hope you are enjoying your summer so far!


“So also good works are conspicuous, and even those that are not cannot remain hidden.”

1 Timothy 5:25 ESV

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