When Life Smacks You

Yesterday was just an ordinary day here on Marshmallow Ranch…aka the Ponderosa. We puttered around the house. Mr. FixIt worked on the drywall in the small bathroom we’ve been refinishing. We’ve been working on it for ages but other things, like strokes and covid and stuff kept pushing it to the back burner. But now, I am so grateful to say…Mr. FixIt is SO much better. He’s stronger and more himself and I’m thrilled he feels well. A job is just a job. Getting him well and happy and healthy was our first priority. 

I put things away and organized my electronics and I’m almost finished with the office. I was just finishing putting a variety of cables, cameras, and recording equipment in a carry bag when I heard one of my bonus granddaughters out in the yard. She and her dad came for a visit so we took a break and sat out by the pool to talk. She told us all about her latest softball tournament and how hot it was out on the field. It was so nice to see them.

When they left, we went back to work. We used the clippers to trim back the forsythia along one side of the yard. It is absolutely amazing to me how fast things grow here. We worked till it was just too hot at 88 degrees to keep going then we stopped for lunch. Most afternoons, we stretch out for a bit during the hottest part of the day and have a little siesta, then pick up where we left off. This time, we drove into town to pick up some things then get an ice cream and sit at the park to watch the river.

By the time we got home, the sky was getting dark and we had a really good rain with some lightning and thunder. We’ve needed the moisture terribly so we were happy to have it. We sat down to watch America’s Got Talent. I really enjoy it because it reminds me of growing up watching Ted Mack’s Amateur Hour and the Ed Sullivan Show. But, it was the last act of the night that had me gob-smacked. 

A tiny little wisp of a thing from Zanesville, Ohio came on to sing an original song. When asked what she does for a living, she revealed she’d been dealing with cancer over the last few years so she hadn’t worked. I know there are people who come on these shows and you think they’re just using them for ratings and sympathy. But this little gal was different. She was special. Her whole heart was open and real and authentic. She stepped to the microphone, opened her mouth, and out came the music of heaven….at least as I would imagine it to be.

She sang a song that was raw and real and told of her fight and that…it’s ok to not be ok. It’s alright. When she finished, you could have heard a pin drop till the audience finally jumped to their feed and gave her a well deserved standing ovation. Each judge spoke of how fearless she seemed and when it got to Simon, it was obvious she had really touched him. When he remarked how happy she was, she said something that I had to write down. I asked Mr. FixIt to rewind so I could be sure to get it right. She said:

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy.”


That really hit me. I’ve dealt with depression and anxiety all of my life. Moments like these are the tools I keep in my tool box for when I feel I’m struggling. I mean, this sweet, young woman with the closely cropped hair still has cancer in her lungs, her spine, and her liver. She revealed she only has a 2% chance of survival. But she looked into the camera and said, “You know? It’s not 0%…it’s 2 whole percent. I just wish people could understand how special that is.”

Sometimes life smacks you a little and says, “Wake up, kid! Look around you!” I’m so grateful I got to see little “Nightbirde” sing. You can watch HERE.


“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 NIV

2 thoughts on “When Life Smacks You

  1. Thank you – needed that today. I also heard (and I don’t remember where “everything you want is on the other side of hard”. ❤️

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