There’s a Mouse in the House!

No, not in TOW-Wanda, thank you, God! My friend Janet and I were sorting through boxes upstairs in the cellar house out at the farm on Monday. I had invested in a really powerful ultrasonic rodent repellant last fall. I was certain it would keep mice out of my boxes but there was evidence I was mistaken. I opened a dish pack and was about one third through it when a very large mouse jumped out straight at me! I almost wet my pants. Now, I am not afraid of mice per se but their erratic movements startle me.

I had made sure there was no food stored in these boxes because that would just ensure an infestation. I did find a bar of soap and some candles that had been nibbled on. Now, I can appreciate a good fur coat and that mouse was a fine example. Apparently soap and wax are good fur conditioners.

I was jumping all around trying to find something to trap this mouse. A saucepan certainly didn’t work even though my attempts had Janet in stitches. Eventually, I told her to move out of the way, I tipped the box over, and the mouse made his escape. Unfortunately, he did not go through the open door so there is a chance our paths may cross again in the coming weeks.

“Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.”

Proverbs 10:4

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