The New Night Train

Yesterday was a pretty easy at-home day. I had every intention of doing some cleaning, but honestly…it just felt great to be home in my Big Red Chair with Mr. FixIt by my side. We haven’t had a lot of that this summer and we really enjoyed it. I did some organizing on my new laptop. I’m trying to keep it from getting clogged up with too many graphics and I need to be able to get to my designs quickly.

One of my friends posted a picture on FB of the Starlink Train coming across the sky. I looked up online to see when it might be visible here at Marshmallow Ranch. It turns out, there is an app that will tell you when you have the chance to see it clearly in your exact location so I downloaded it. It’s called Find StarLink and you can get it in the App Store.

I went out to the camper last night to write my post and texted Mr. FixIt to come out a little after 9:00. We just about gave up on it when there it was…booking across the sky! It was amazing. I had my camera set up to do a long exposure, not thinking all I would get is a blur of light. I’ll know better next time. By shooting long exposures I got some great shots of the Milky Way.

I marveled at this amazing sight. I can’t help but think of my grandma when I see things like this. What on earth would she have thought of seeing a train of lights clipping along in the night sky…silently providing access to an internet that she was confused by. I remember when I got my first laptop and I used AOL dialup. I hooked up to the phone line out at The Farm and pulled up Compuserve! I’m sure she couldn’t wrap her mind around what it actually was. It probably looked like some kind of television with still photos. BORING. lol

The changes in technology have always fascinated me. But now that I am getting a little older, and things are changing so fast, I have trouble keeping up with it all. So much of it is over my head and I feel like my shelf date is inching more rapidly toward expiration. I hate leaving all the fun to the younger generation. So, I keep up with as much as I can with the declining RAM in my noggin’.

We don’t have any appointments this week but we probably will make at least one trip to town…whether I like it or not! I hope you had an enjoyable weekend, dear ones. We have another little heat wave coming then we have another taste of fall.


“Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever.”

Daniel 12:3 NLT


I’ve ventured into personalized items in my shop.
Here is “Baby’s First Christmas”.

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