The Lord’s Day

We often end up mowing on Sundays simply because of the way the storms roll through. Unfortunately, they don’t keep a schedule and, as the old adage says, you have to make hay when the sunshines. We were blessed the last three days with a half inch of rain and the grass was too wet to mow yesterday. I sat in my recliner with my headphones, listening to worship music and knitted on Big’s sweater. I’m almost ready to knit the ribbing at the bottom, then I can start the sleeves.

I have a lot on my plate in the upcoming month. I need to get the house ready for Little. We need to finish getting the pool ready and catch up on some laundry. There is a part being delivered this week that we have to replace on the new camper. There will be mowing…both here and the farm. The push lawnmower is still not working, and we are in the thick of repair season, so we won’t be able to get it fixed in a timely manner. So, we’ll be researching and buying a new one then fix this one later to use as a spare. I need to finish this sweater and pack for our trip to Colonial Williamsburg. Just lots going on.

I try to stay away from the news and I can usually succeed in doing that. But I always pay attention when Heather Cox Richardson says “read this”. Well, I read it and was not prepared for this particular bit of news and I didn’t sleep a wink on Saturday night. I know know if you experience that, but when it happens to me, I’m a wreck the following day. My threshold for triggering my PTSD is much lower and I end up feeling flushed and anxious over the dumbest stuff. So, after my morning “church”, I stretched out and talked with God for a while. 

My conversations with God are always good…no matter whether it’s something I want to “hear” or not. I always leave enlightened, calmed, soothed. Like I’ve been listening to a lullaby sung by the most beautiful voice ever. We had a social engagement and I just didn’t feel up for it. If it weren’t a family event, I might have been inclined to beg off and stay home. But, when it’s the kids and the grands, you don’t say no unless it’s absolutely necessary.

We all gathered at their horse farm and had a cookout. It was fun to catch up with people I haven’t seen in some time. We were super careful to keep socially distanced from others…no hugs and kisses. I worked on the sweater and chatted with everyone around me…the sound of a horse quietly flicking his tail and occasionally stomping a heavy hoof in order to shoo away the biting flies that plague them in the summer. I could hear him rip mouthfuls of grass, happily munching away as country music played in the background. 

There were hoops and hollers as teams of two challenged each other to multiple games of cornhole. We sat around nibbling on deviled eggs and bratwurst, crudités, meat and cheese trays, salads and a yummy dessert pizza with a sugar cookie crust and fruit on top. By dusk, the younger were heading up to the top of the hill to watch the fireworks. We elected to come on home. We neither one had any business walking up and down that hill in the dark, and I wasn’t about to drive my truck up there without having done it in the daylight first. 

We came on home. Mr. FixIt remarked his back was probably going to give him fits, so I elected to creep in the camper. When I got everything ready and squared away, I opened the curtains and couldn’t believe how many lightning bugs there were out there in the trees along the creek. I loved listening to the fireworks far off in the distance. And it wasn’t long till I was ready to turn in for the night.

Today, we may end up mowing if we don’t have rain. And, of course, there will be knitting. 


“And bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate.”

Luke 15:23 ESV

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