Sweet ColoraDOUGH!

Lisa sparkles. She is my mentor in the happy wanderer department. Young enough to be my daughter, she is actually one of my Sisters…Sisters on the Fly, that is. When I first met her, she was who I knew I wanted to be when I grew up. She can make the BEST Cream of Mushroom Soup in a Dutch oven. She can dance till the sun comes up. She can walk into a roomful of strangers and have them eating out of her hand in five minutes. She has a smile that melts your heart and you want to be her best friend forever. She never treated me any different just because I was new at camping, new at being a Sister, new at being alone. She is brighter than the sun!

Lisa has a passion for many things in life, but the independent coffee shop owner is who she chooses to champion. In these days of posh, shiny, impersonal coffee shops that spring up overnight on every street corner, Lisa holds the “little guys” close to her heart and wants you to know where you can find them so you too can support them…keeping their doors open in a tough economy. She wants you to know their stories. What made them decide to open a coffee shop? Was there someone in their lives that encouraged them to go for that dream? Where do they get their coffee? Do they offer anything other than the “Elixir of the Gods”? What do they want their customers to come away with when they leave their establishment? How do they give back to the world? There are as many stories out there as there are coffee shops, and I’m one of her minions heading out there to sacrifice myself to the caffeine and sugar rush just to find out the skinny and report it on her blog. I’ll be posting a coffeehouse review once a month and I’ll leave you a link here so you can read it and find these treasured places.

The Local Coffee House Finder is online and you can search on your phone to find these these locally owned gems as you travel the highways and byways of America. Heck, there might be some in your own backyard you weren’t aware of. So get out there and drink up. And if you don’t drink coffee….well, even though I don’t understand you, I’ll love you anyway and offer you a nice cup of tea!

Read all about Sweet ColoraDOUGH here…a locally owned coffee and donut shop in Glenwood Springs, Colorado.

“A kindhearted woman gains honor, but ruthless men gain only wealth.”

Proverbs 11:16

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