Some Days…

difficult roads meme
“Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.”

Some days are easy, some not so much. And some vacillate back and forth so much you feel like a waffle by the time it’s over. Up, down, up, down…those days can wreak emotional havoc. Yesterday was like that. Coffee with the girls…up. Chiropractor (plantar fasciitis)…down. Phone call with daughter…up. Carotid imaging for cardiac screening (memories of Mr. Virgo)…down. Play with the neighbor’s dog…up. Facing the mess post-vacation…down. Talking with friends…up. Headache…down. Visiting with a gal who follows my blog who, like most of you, just stumbled upon it and finding out she lives 8 miles from my grandparent’s farm and we are more than likely related on my mom’s side…priceless.

(Six Degrees of Separation. It is a small world. I once was traveling through JFK Airport when I stopped in the facilities. There was a woman at the sink that I worked with in Denver! It was kind of funny though because we had just spoken a couple of days before and she never mentioned she was traveling as well. I greeted her and went for the greeting hug and she pulled back with a look of concern. I was puzzled. Then I realized she LOOKED just like my friend, but not exactly. Something was off. Come to find out, she was my friend’s twin sister!)

We travel a lot of roads in life. Some are easy, some are not. And sometimes the greatest view is at the end of the roughest terrain. You just have to hang in there till you get past the tough parts.

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