So Much Has Changed Since We Left

Looking across one of the pollinator gardens to the near field.

When we left for our trip, you saw an occasional leaf turning. You felt the crispness in the air. You knew fall was right around the corner. When we got up yesterday morning, it was grey and dismal. No rain. By afternoon, the sun broke through and it was a stellar fall day here at Marshmallow Ranch. 

Just Across the Dirt Road Along the Near Field

I had to run to town midday to pick up the mail they’ve been holding. I stopped by the courthouse to leave my personal property information at the appraiser’s office. Then I ran into a little antique and junk shop tucked away on a side street of our little village. As always, I found some things that had to come home with me. There was a really nice pair of Herman Survivor Boots that were just a little too big for me, but I’m sure someone in the family can wear them. I couldn’t pass them up for the price. I found some things I can use for decorating and for gift giving. I have always wanted one of those friend plates. It has a lovely verse about enjoying the goodies on it, then refilling it with your own baked goods and sending the plate on to the next recipient. 

The Far Ridge on the Other Side of the Two Lane Blacktop

I had to stop at the Piggly Wiggly for some staple since the fridge was bare. That’s one of the upsides of having an uber clean refrigerator…when you go away, you don’t come home to a bunch of science experiments. As I wandered the aisles, I chatted with this person and that. A lady stopped me and said, “You seem pretty happy.” I told her we just got home from a two week camping trip the night before and I was on top of the world. She smiled and patted my arm. “I’ll ask you again in a week.” Yeah…this high is wearing off soon. Even with the furnace on the fritz.

The Blueberry Bush

Mr. FixIt worked on it most of the day yesterday and wasn’t any closer to an answer other than the igniter isn’t getting any juice. He’s the handiest man to have around and I’m sure he’ll figure it out in no time. I brought home fixin’s for chili. Mr. FixIt and I haven’t been eating much red meat anymore. I found two huge chicken breasts on sale at the store and brought them home. I got out my handy new/old meat grinder that I bought on our trip to Colorado and ground them up. I cooked the ground chicken just like ground beef and made the chili for a lot less calories. It was great!

The Hedgerow Along the Front Creek

With the leftovers tucked away in the fridge, I noticed it was the golden hour so I went outside to catch some shots of the colors around us. There’s not a photo that does it justice. I walked the perimeter of the far field and noticed we have a bumper crop of walnuts again this year. I’ll go out with a bucket before the rains on Friday and pick them up. There’s a ton more on the trees. I counted FIVE walnut trees, just loaded for bear!

The Last of the Pollinator Blossoms

As I was marveling and taking photos, I turned around and there was Mr. FixIt just watching me and smiling. He just makes my heart do loop-de-loops when he smiles that smile at me. This trip away was good for us…no daily distractions like broken furnaces or some such nuisance. It’s so sweet to fall in love with your spouse all over again.

The Hedgerow Along the Back Creek

I have a couple of deadlines to meet today. Mr. FixIt has to go to town for a few things, so I’ll stay home and work on the computer and enjoy the view out the office window. There’s supposed to be a turn in the weather tomorrow.


“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”

Ephesians 4:32 ESV

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