She Done Good

We went to Big’s Awards Ceremony yesterday afternoon. (Note to self: take a pillow next time! Bleachers are not our friends!) Her name was called several times for academic achievements. She received two or three cords to wear on her robe on graduation day. And she received three plaques…one of which was Outstanding Biomedical Sciences Student of the Year. We are all very proud of her accomplishments.

Yesterday was her last day of high school and she was never so glad of anything in her whole life. She never really loved high school. It was made that much more difficult with the two years of Covid interruptions. Yet, she is graduating with a 4.2GPA and a scholarship for swimming in college so it’s obvious she put her nose to the grindstone and did what she had to do. She is so smart…and such a good human!

I also went shopping and bought Daughter #1 and her husband a propane heater for their deck. Their birthdays and anniversary are within five days of each other and I like getting them a combination gift they can use and enjoy for years to come. It’s a timely gift that they can use when they entertain guests at their home when all the family comes in for graduation.

This is such a big event for parents. And I think it’s especially hard on moms when they’ve been so close to the child that is graduating. She and Big are tight and have never spent much time apart. I am sure she will handle this better than me because she has much better coping skills than I did when I was her age. Her circumstances are different, as well. First, she has a much healthier marriage. And second, she doesn’t have a two year old at home. 

The weather heated up yesterday here in Denver. It got up to 89° which made sitting in a gym without air conditioning a little stuffy. It cools off the next couple of days which makes it easier to sleep at night. There were big winds predicted on Tuesday so I put the camper top down and moved my stuff into the guest bedroom in the house. But, by bedtime, the winds hadn’t really amounted to much of anything so I put the top back up and slept in the camper. It’s so much cooler and the bed is mine. 

Mr. FixIt worked on the pool and watered the flowers and cleaned the sidewalks yesterday. Today he’s buying tomato plants and tilling up the space behind his friend’s house in town. They notoriously harvested the best tomatoes out of that garden. No one lives there anymore so we’re taking advantage of that good soil. I hope we get a better season this year.

Today is a bit of a lay low day with my Colorado peeps. Perhaps I’ll get a little knitting in. I also need to dewinterize the camper. Sue will need help getting the place ready for Big’s graduation party on Sunday. There’s always something to do!


“Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers.”

Proverbs 17:6 ESV

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