Shake Your Can

Wake it up and shake it up and change this world for the better!

Last Sunday, our Pastor delivered another wonderful message. This time he was talking about how we can get flat and stale in our faith after time. We can become complacent and go to church simply to be fed every week. We can get comfortable. We may think, “I’m saved…I’m good. I don’t need to _________ (fill in the blank…serve, share, invite, get involved). We can do that, of course. But, we could be so much more if we just shook things up.

If we wake it up and shake it up, God’s light in us will be so much brighter when we carry it out in the world. And, heaven knows…this world needs all the light it can get! The Pastor used a great visual. He had a can of soda in his hand when he asked a woman from the front row to come forward.

He showed the woman the can.

“Are you afraid of this can?” 

“No,” she said.

He started shaking the can violently and poised to open it in front of her.

“How about now?”

The woman laughed and took a few steps back.

“Yeah…I’m afraid of it now!”

He made his point. The enemy doesn’t pay us much mind when we’re being complacent and doing enough to get by. He isn’t afraid of us. But shake us up and see what happens. That gets his attention because the last thing he wants is for us to be all up in it.

You wanna make a difference in this world?

Get up and shake your can!


“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?”

Hebrews 1:14 NIV

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