Seriously September

Touch-Me-Not, aka Jewelweed. This grows at the edge of the porch every year. The bees and the hummingbirds love it. I’m going to see if I can transplant some of it next spring.

It was March and I blinked. Now look…it’s September! I need to slow down the hands of time to hang onto the fun summer months. They go even faster when you travel like we did this year. I told Mr. FixIt the other day…we wouldn’t normally have traveled like this, but we’re both feeling great and we won’t be able to keep this up forever. We got a year full of great memories, that’s for sure!

We always called this Foxtail Grass. Mr. FixIt hasn’t been out to weed eat in quite some time. It shows…but I think this is lovely in the late sun.

I’ve been at The Farm the last couple of nights. I mowed right after I arrived on Thursday to get that over with. I spent the entire day yesterday trying to learn how to do something I want to do. Learning new things doesn’t come quite as easily as it used to and I have to watch, rewind, watch, rewind the educational videos I find on YouTube. Before, all I’d have to do is see it once and I could do it like a pro. Not anymore.

My summer supper…a baked sweet potato with Parkay Spray and Truvia Brown Sugar on it. Yummmmmy!

By late afternoon, my brain was tired so I took a break, popped a sweet potato in the microwave and sat on the porch with my supper. Afterward, I took a little walkabout to see what is growing. I’m not sure what I got into when I was mowing, but it might have been poison ivy. I have itchy little bumps on my arms and my belly. I’ve only had one small bout with poison ivy in my life and I’m always really careful. But I’ve been mowing along the edges of our field and the yard here so I’m sure I’ve tangled up with something.

While this looks like a dragonfly or a damselfly, it’s actually called an antlion. Their larvae dig conical shaped pits to trap passing ants or other prey. They are sometimes called doodlebugs because of the marks they leave in the sand.

I gathered some seeds from a couple of the perennial flowering plants Grandma loved. I’ll try to get them to start over at Marshmallow Ranch next spring. I’m heading home today to do a little housecleaning. Tomorrow is our family picnic so I’ll have to get up early and put the pork roast in the oven. Do you have big plans for the holiday weekend?


“Then God said, “Let lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. Let them be signs to mark the seasons, days, and years.”

Genesis 1:14 NLT


September is the time for gathering the harvest and counting our blessings!

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