Self Indulgence or Self Care?

Sometimes you just have to do it. It isn’t selfish to do something just for you. It’s healthy, and something I wish I would have learned a lot earlier in my life. I joined the craft group at one of the local churches yesterday morning. And by morning I mean 9:00AM. Ok, it was 10:00AM to my body, but still… I don’t usually get moving around much before that and I’ll never schedule an early morning appointment in town if I can help it. I spent all my life either getting up at the crack of dawn for work or for kids. I don’t do it if I don’t have to.

There were only three of us there, plus a woman who is part of the lay ministry there. She’s thinking of getting back into crocheting. I originally met one of the gals in the Post Office this summer just before we left on the big Colorado trip. We got to talking about crafts and I asked if there was a group that meets. She said yes and invited me to join them. I told her I had to wait till the summer travel season was over but then I definitely would come!

One was working on a crochet project. And the other was using a round loom to make slippers. I worked on the afterthought heel on that pair of socks I started at the beach in April! I did NOT get much knitting done this year. Between the king sized quilt, the wedding, camping, mowing…well, you get it. I’ve been busy. So yesterday was a much needed break to chat with other women.

It’s fun getting to fellowship with other women, especially those who live in our community. I’ve lived here for six years and I’m only just beginning to recognize people at the grocery store. I love hearing their stories and watching their projects. It’s also a great way to learn about the little town we live in. There are so few opportunities to do this. I’m still going to check into doing something at the senior center. 

It’s not that I’m lacking in things to do. When I got home from knitting, I tackled the pile of documents that I set aside to be dealt with this week. We have to go to town today for Mr. FixIt’s follow-up appointment for covid. I have a list of things that I need to do… get the oil changed and tires rotated, get the truck inspected and the new tags, and get the transmission flushed. These are all things that get put off till mowing season is over. And thank goodness it is!

Are you having trouble with the time change? I was sitting in the family room yesterday along about 5:00. I looked at my husband and asked, “Is it time for bed yet???” He just laughed, but he agreed it felt a LOT later than it was. That’s also because I woke up at 4:30 yesterday morning and couldn’t get back to sleep. I hate that. I go through periods where I sleep like the dead, then there are others where I toll and turn all night. Maybe it’s the moon!

I think I’ll hit the family room hard when we get back from town and get that camping gear downstairs. (No, it didn’t go anywhere…I was taking care of a sick hubby.) If I get a good portion of that done, I might be able to go to the farm for a couple of days and work on the fast internet.

When it was time for supper, I asked my sweetheart what he wanted. He’s never really sure, but since he’s had Covid, his appetite comes and goes. He wasn’t on top of his game yesterday, so I told him I had some chicken and I could make Chicken Parmesan if thought that sounded good. He perked right up and said YES. It was SO easy. I pounded a huge chicken breast with a tenderizing tool. I dipped it flour then beaten egg, then Italian style Panko break crumbs, back into the egg, and finished with panko. I sautéed it in an iron skillet till the breading was getting crispy. I topped it with just enough Italian Sausage Spaghetti Sauce to cover it. You don’t want to cook tomato sauce in an iron skillet. The acid works on the cast iron and gives an awful metallic taste. I covered it lightly with a sheet of heavy duty aluminum foil and popped it into a preheated 350° oven for about 25-30 minutes. I cooked some spaghetti al dente, topped it with half the chicken on each plate and sprinkled parmesan over it. OMGosh! It was as good or better than any restaurant. Mr. FixIt did everything but lick the plate clean so I think it passed his approval. It’s definitely good for company!

So, that was my Monday. A good start to a good week!


“Give us this day our daily bread,”

Matthew 6:11 ESV


Ho Ho Ho! Cute little Santa to brighten your tree!

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