Self-Care & Sunshine

So, I just took down my tree and February is nearly over. Don’t judge! lol

I’ve noticed something about the last two winters. Last year, after spending the month of January knitting every day, I sequestered myself in Big TOW-Wanda for the entire month of February writing my book. I noticed two things. First, the winter seemed to fly by because of my immersion in writing…and in spending so much time in my happy place. The second thing I noticed was an uptick in my social anxieties when travel season started. Getting out and doing things led to that old uncomfortable fear I’ve felt all my life when I have to go out into crowds of people and fulfill the expectations of others. It took a few months to desensitize myself from the isolation of being such a homebody all winter.

This winter has been drastically different. I never stopped running all year. I was gone four months, I drove everywhere, I traveled to thirteen states, my daughter got married, I started a new position with Girl Camper opening a new OH/WV Chapter as well as a page on their website, I was the brand ambassador for the charity raffle trailer, and we got two new great grandbabies. Honest to goodness…I haven’t had time to breathe and I certainly wasn’t socially isolated this year. Therefore, I am not feeling those old familiar rushes of anxiety when I face certain social situations. I think I’m onto something here.

I’m beginning to look at my life more holistically. I’m reminding myself everything is interconnected. My diet and exercise will affect my emotional as well as my physical wellbeing. I’ve been chasing this rather nebulous pain in my feet and legs for the last several months. I quite by accident found cutting out gluten and sugar affects that as well as any depressive symptoms of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Combine that with keeping too busy to think about it and this has been a comparatively easy winter. Granted, again we had very little snow and only had limited days that were truly bitter cold. That helps, too.

Another thing that helps is leaving our Christmas tree up late. I actually just took it down yesterday. I shoot for Valentine’s Day or thereabouts to take it down these days. I love the extra light and sparkle the white twinkle lights bring into my world. Why would I want to get rid of that? So, yesterday I took down my Christmas tree. And in eighteen days, we change to Daylight Savings Time. I’m not depressed. I’m motivated and enjoying life, walking and eating right, and keeping just busy enough.

We went to the farm yesterday and took the Christmas decorations down out there as well. We swept up dead ladybugs and fed the birds. A feral cat left us the gift of a dead vole on the back porch. The daffodils are up about five inches. With the leaves down, you can see several new deadfalls up in the woods. The sun was shining and it was nearly 60℉. When we got home, Pumpkin was waiting for us at the door to the building. When she hears our truck, she waits till we pull in the driveway then runs and jumps in the cab with us for a snuggle. 

Our life has an easy rhythm to it now that we’ve been married a while. It’s all good here on the ranch.


“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”

Philippians: 4:11-13 NIV

4 thoughts on “Self-Care & Sunshine

  1. I love the Christmas lights too. A sweet friend gifted us a large grapevine tree so I now have the tree lights all year. I would leave my Christmas tree up all year but it would take away my thrill of letting the grandkids decorate it on Black Friday. I’m so glad you’ve had a great winter. Prayers for the leg pain.

  2. Dont forget, sometimes sessonal depression is due to low vitamin d levels. I moved from phoenix to Nashville and after 10 months i almost had undetectable vitamin d levels.

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