Screen Time

Look what showed up on my computer when I opened it yesterday!

I worked all day on the FB page, adding photos to the names on the list. Mr. FixIt went to town to run some errands and take our daughter out for breakfast and left me with a quiet house. I made my “coffee” and settled in the Big Red Chair with my lap desk and computer. I asked Echo to play the Spa Station and settled in to work. I didn’t look up till 4:00 and Mr. FixIt came home.

That was perfectly fine. We run around with our hair on fire all summer. There’s a reason God created winter. It’s our reward for all the work we did the rest of the year. It’s our time to rest. And, daddies need to spend time with their girls…even when they’re all grown up. He gets to do a lot of things alone with our son, but he hasn’t had as much of an opportunity with our daughter. It was a really good day for them as well.

I checked in with my brother this week and he sounded great. They’ll be doing some more tests to see what is going on, but he was feeling much better. The other prayers were for someone special and she is home now from having surgery. It doesn’t look like cancer and she is on her way to a full recovery. So, we are breathing a sigh of relief this weekend.

A day of softness was most welcome. As I copied photos from an online yearbook to paste into the list document, memories wash over me. All these people, all these familiar faces brought back such feelings of love. I didn’t necessarily have the happiest of childhoods in some ways. I was bullied in school by some people because I was a quirky kid. Yet, as I poured over the pages of smiling kids, all I could feel was love…and pride that I went to such a wonderful school.

Things change with time and not always for the better. Our high school was always a source of pride for our class. It was instilled in us as we sang the Alma Mater under the Friday Night Lights. We walked through the hallowed halls of this gorgeous building and everywhere we turned, there were reminders of students’ achievements. I don’t hear great things about the school now, but that may be the norm anymore. It’s been a long time since I had a child in school and my grands aren’t necessarily forthcoming in discussing the ins and outs of school. You know how kids are…they get to that geeky teen age and it’s hard to get more than a sentence out of them sometimes.

It will take me a few more days to get this done, but I’m determined to stick with it. And it’s the perfect week to do it with the weather changing in the coming days. I’m tickled to death to stay right here in our little nest.


”And we are writing these things so that our joy may be complete.“

1 John 1:4 ESV

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