Re-Entry Begins!

Black kitten
“And, just like that…two became three.”

It was a very long day yesterday. I ended up pulling the camper myself with my truck and it did fine. Mr. FixIt is pretty sure the problem was a rock in the brakes. We’ll get it checked before we head anywhere with it. That was a big relief. 

The weather yesterday was terrible driving home. We came through some torrential rain and as soon as we got home, the weather channel gave a tornado warning from the same storm. There are thousands without power from the wind. It seems I got home just in time for some wintery weather. I’ll have to winterize the camper after all…something I was hoping to avoid by heading south. We’ll still get there, but there’s quite a lot of work that needs to be done here at the Ponderosa before we can leave. The cold weather just caught up with me, I’m afraid.

As I’m writing this, I am home and snuggled in bed…in the camper! I can’t give it up yet. Re-entry has always been a problem for me. I love sleeping in a camper and this camper is especially comfortable. So, we’ll try a little cold weather camping this week and see how she does. After all, we’re out on five acres…it’s like our own little campground!

Another little thing happened yesterday. My world shifted. Mr. FixIt sat me down after breakfast yesterday and told me he had something to tell me. Oh, what woman wants to hear THAT? It seems, that while I was gone Mr. FixIt has been keeping company with someone else…a little black kitten that someone dumped at the Ponderosa. He’s been feeding it. Honestly, I didn’t know what to say. I’ve been determined to never have another pet. Then, when I got out of my truck at the house, this little black fur ball came running to me like it had been waiting its whole little life for ME! I’ve never seen such a friendly cat and my heart melted.

And, like that…two became three.

We have a cat!


“There is no fear in love…”

1 John 4:18 NIV

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