Rancher Spotlight

Good morning, Ranchers. I want you to meet Jackie, a “Rancher” from Wichita. Jackie has been following Marshmallow Ranch since before Mr. Virgo died. She can’t quite remember how she found me but she thinks it was one of my ads I used when I was first making jewelry. For those of you who are new and may not know, I started this page as a way to promote my art studio (called Marshmallow Ranch) and the jewelry I made out of antique silverware and maps. She liked the necklaces because they were unique so she hit “like” and started reading my posts.

Jackie clearly remembers the day I came on here and announced to you all that my husband had died. She remembers going to her husband and telling him what had happened. She felt a little maternal instinct kick in as she followed my progress. Jackie interacts on my blog a lot and I always look forward to hearing what she has to say. Her husband is a pastor and she always has something encouraging for me.

A couple of weeks ago, Jackie sent me a private message to say her wonderful son-in-law had died in a tragic accident while hiking one of Colorado’s fourteeners. You were so wonderful to send prayers when I asked for them and she wants to thank you for the love and support. Her family lives here in Colorado so she is here for the funeral and to help with the family. We thought I might drive through Wichita and visit when I was coming cross country this summer but I went a different route. We couldn’t be this close without finally meeting in person.

I drove down to the south side of Denver yesterday and met Jackie at Mimi’s Cafe for a late lunch. I knew her right away when she walked in, of course. There are so many of you I would recognize from your profile pictures because we’ve interacted for so long. I felt I was truly meeting a friend. Jackie’s been here for it all…the uncontrollable tears, the journey into the wilderness, the attempts at “dating”, the campfires and tutus and cowboy boots. Every morning, she and her husband go sit in the rockers in front of the giant picture window where they birdwatch. He pulls out his phone to tell her what the weather is going to be. She pulls hers out, looks at a different app and corrects him. He reads off the news headlines. She pulls up Facebook, opens my blog, and asks him, “You want to hear what’s up with Marshmallow today?” He does, of course. Then she proceeds to read my post to him.

I listened to Jackie talking and thought to myself…”This is why I do this. This is why I write…day after day after day. So people like Jackie can read to their beloved. So she can take what I’ve experienced and apply it to her life to help her daughter through her grief. To better prepare herself should the unthinkable occur and she is faced with her own grief walk. This. This is why I write.”

Thank you, Jackie. It was an absolute delight meeting you! I’m so humbled.


“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV

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