Please Share…the Last Chance for Raffle Tickets!

Praying for lots of ticket sales to help the families of critically ill children. And, for the new owners of this sweet little camper!

The last five months have been SO much fun! Traveling through five states, camping at several state parks and private campgrounds, over 6,000 miles driven, plus some boondocking off the grid. All in one of the coolest little campers I’ve ever had the privilege to spend time in. I’m seriously considering selling Big TOW-Wanda and getting an rpod 196. I love the floor plan, it is so super easy to tow, the kitchen is really workable, the sofa is honestly indistinguishable from a residential as far as comfort (and folds down into a twin bed to boot!) There is SO much storage and the bed is situated so no one has to crawl over their bed partner to get out in the middle of the night. And to top it all off, the windows let in an amazing amount of light. They had me when I saw the window over the bed!

I spent the day yesterday clearing out the things I’ve toted around with me on the trip. It’s amazing what can accumulate in five short months! There were things that stay with the camper, things that go back to Janine, things that go home, and things to throw away. As I sat and sorted, I prayed for the new owners of this little camper…that they see beautiful sights, that they enjoy peaceful solitude and/or family adventures, and that all their travels are safe and secure.

Thank you all so much for joining me on this journey! I’ll post a farewell photo tomorrow. In the meantime, if you could please do us the honor of sharing this link with everyone you know, I would be ever so grateful. The monies from ticket sales goes to the HoldYou Foundation to assist families who have critically ill children with the practical things they need…keeping the lights on, buying groceries, gas for the car to get their child to and from the doctor. It’s a wonderful charity that the Girl Campers supports wholeheartedly. If you have access to a newsletter or mailing list, that would extra super special! We are getting down to the wire now. We have extended the hours to purchase tickets to midnight on Valentine’s Day! Wahoo!


“and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.”

Isaiah 58:10 NIV

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