Pink Flamingos and Minions

I wish I could have had a blowout birthday party for my sweetheart. You don’t turn 70 every day! But, covid precautions and an upcoming surgery is keeping me close to home and pretty sheltered, so I’ll have to make it up to him when the weather warms up and we can party outside! My bonus son came to the house and decorated the yard for his dad’s special day. He asked Mr. FixIt what he wanted for his birthday. Since we are all about experiences over stuff, the guys will go out for a day of golf come springtime.

We have been keeping a weather eye out and it looks like the cold front and ice storm are sliding into Ohio tomorrow. My poor Mr. FixIt spent his birthday taking the truck in for an oil change and tire rotation. Then I had him go looking for chains for the truck…just in case we need them to get to the hospital on Friday morning. We’ll head up there early to avoid any ice. I’d rather pay an extra day for a hotel than to get stuck somewhere. And even if we don’t need the chains this trip, it’s not a bad idea to have them should we need to make a trip to town for an emergency and the roads are bad. Ever the Girl Scout.

I didn’t have the outside light on when Mr. FixIt came home last night, so he didn’t see the Happy Birthday greeting till he got to the back door. I loved seeing the look on his face, but when he found out his son came out to do that for him, he really melted. Men have such soft spots for their kids, and when they do special things, they just go all gooey.

I cleaned up the kitchen and baked an apple pie for my sweetheart instead of a birthday cake. Then I worked on the sweater I’m knitting. I had to study the pattern, and look at a YouTube video to double check how to do one of the step. Eventually I had it figured out and I’m working down the body of the sweater now. I tried it on and took a picture to send to my friend Gail to see what she thought. Gail is an amazing knitter. She has been knitting so long, she just makes things…often without a pattern. She knows how to adjust patterns for size and how to choose the right yarns for a project. She sent me a picture yesterday of the newest granddaughter in a hat and matching mittens she had just whipped up. Amazing!

So, the adventure begins today instead of tomorrow. Our room has a separate bedroom with a door so Mr. FixIt can watch his shows and I can keep myself in the calm zone before surgery. I’m taking my knitting and of course, my writing goes wherever I go. You should see us when we stay in a hotel. We each have an overnight bag and a big trash bag with our favorite pillows. Mine also includes my favorite fuzzy blankies. We have a cooler and a snack bag. I have my portable desk and he has his hanging clothes. Then there’s my purse which is the size of a small tote bag and my knitting…which actually IS in a tote bag. You’d think we were staying a couple of weeks instead of a couple of days. But, we’re always comfortable, we have what we want to keep us busy, and we don’t get all freaked out that we forgot something. If we ever do, there are stores.

Prayers for travel mercies, please!


“The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him.”

Nahum 1:7 ESV

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