Out of Order

“Thank goodness today there are modern conveniences!”

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭6:19-20‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Back in the day, when I was married to Hubby #2 (the doctor), it seemed like every single bug that came along, I got sick. I had a chronic sinus infection that stretched out over two years. Using broad spectrum antibiotics caused my intestinal flora to get out of equilibrium and I developed C. Difficile. That is a bug normally found in the gut, but it’s not one of the good ones. However, it’s really hard to kill. So, the antibiotics killed off the good bacteria and allowed C.Diff to overgrow and that is not a good thing. C.Diff can kill your colon. That’s one of the reasons its important not to take antibiotics when you don’t need them. And that’s why I’ve been left with a wonky gut that gives me fits much of the time and forces me to limit certain foods.

Arriving at 65 finally has allowed me to catch up with a lot of deferred maintenance and tomorrow I’m spending a lovely morning with my gastroenterologist. Let’s just say it’s been a busy day and leave it at that. I know this is TMI, but it’s important to have routine healthcare screenings, one of which is a colon cancer screen. I had a precancerous polyp removed in my 30’s. The doctor came in to talk to me and said it was a good thing I had come in when I did or I likely would have had colon cancer by the time I was the recommended age.

Probably secondary to lifestyle and diet, the age for colonoscopy screening is now 45. More people are getting colon cancer younger. Pay attention to your body. Take care of your health. You only have one you.

Update: My tests went well. As I predicted, the prep was by far worse than the actual tests considering they give you this marvelous drug called Versed which produces not only sedation, but anterograde amnesia. Meaning, you are definitely sedated but not so much that you can’t assist and follow instructions like swallow, roll over, etc. And, you don’t remember any of it if you’ve had the proper dose. Win-Win! They did find a hiatal hernia and diverticulosis which explains my symptoms. A change in medication, and eating multiple small meals and not eating late should take care of the problems I’ve been having. So good news is…nothing bad! I’ll be back in the saddle in no time! ❤️


7 thoughts on “Out of Order

  1. Recently had that myself. The anticipation and prep is so much worse than the procedure. Sending good thoughts your way.

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