One Down, 364 to Go!

We were thrilled to have absolutely nothing to do yesterday. As a matter of fact, we went to bed before the ball dropped. We decided 2022 needed to come in on tippy-toes without a big fuss as far as we were concerned. We lay in bed and followed our nightly ritual of watching funny videos. We didn’t even know what time it was…then we heard a loud “bang” and looked at the clock. Sure enough, the old year had slipped away quietly and the new year took its place without a lot of fanfare, save for a kiss…for Auld Lang Syne.

We slept in, luxuriating in the fact we had NOTHING to do. I will have to say, though…there was a lot of football on TV yesterday and I really wasn’t interested in that…at all! I found my Bluetooth headset, turned on my rainstorm/campfire soundtrack, and happily knitted away all afternoon as the rain poured heavily outside. We kept the main door open and I can watch the rain from my recliner through the full length glass storm door. It was delightful.

We’ve been holding off making that wonderful supper of scallops and lamb chops originally scheduled for Christmas. When we bought the scallops a week and a half ago, Mr. FixIt happily told me how he likes them prepared. With nothing but butter and garlic. “No lemon?” I asked. Nope…nothing but butter and garlic.” As I prepared the meal yesterday, do you think that information even came close to passing through my head? Nooooooooooo.

Now, my sweet husband has never, EVER complained about anything I’ve fixed for him. There have been a couple of times when I didn’t hit it out of the park, and I could tell it wasn’t to his liking. But he has never said anything…until yesterday. He looked at his plate with delicious anticipation and his shoulders slumped. He was quiet. I asked him what was wrong and he said, “I don’t like them like this.” Ahhhhh….it all came crashing back into my head! Why didn’t I remember that? Maybe because I had a procedure a couple of days ago where they gave me a drug that erases the memory banks. I don’t know. But I felt really bad. 

He was quite the good sport and ate them anyway, but I promised I’ll make the other half of the bag tonight…with nothing but garlic and butter! I will have to say…the lamb chops were excellent. Lemon pepper, a few herbs like rosemary, and honey with a little bit of red wine…cooked to perfection. They were really tasty and we have enough left over to have more today.

So, here we are…a new year is before us. We step into the unknown, hoping and praying for the best. For healing…in so many ways. For love…between us all. For happiness….after so much pain and disappointment in the last couple of years. For joy…as we dare to hope covid releases us from its talons as more and more of us present with antibodies, either from having had the illness or from having had the vaccine. For hope…in knowing God has this handled already and all things will work out for our goodness in some way unbeknownst to us.

One down…364 to go. What will you do with yours?


“Since everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it but receive it with thanks.”

1 Timothy 4:4 NLT

2 thoughts on “One Down, 364 to Go!

  1. Day 365 I finaly dusted the top of my bureau. I had various containers of coins filled, over flowing actually. They now reside on my sewing machine desk closer to the door. I will go through them all in case there are any silver, or older coins. I have a piggy bank for those. My pop-pop had a conainter that he would place any money he found in it and he never spent it. At any rate, I wonder just how much there is, I’m almost afraid to cash them, (like rupplestilskin spinning straw into gold) and that I will willy nilly spend it or perhaps not. Outside my comfort zone, hubby said at least the house don’t blow away. That made me giggle and he gave me that reassured smile of encouragement to just do it. Be an outsider. I wonder what today will bring?

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