National Widow’s Day – May 3rd

National Widow’s Day
“May 3rd is National Widow’s Day”

Today is National Widow’s Day. I’m not quite sure how I feel about that. On the one hand, there are so many widows who are alone and no one comes to call or check on them. On the other hand, we don’t really NEED a day to remember our loss. It’s not that we are likely to forget. Still…it’s good to remind others to reach out to a widow. We all know one, and those of us who are widowed know…it’s nice to be remembered.

So many times people think of a widow in their lives, perhaps even reaching for the phone…only to stop. They’re afraid of upsetting her. And, the more time that has passed, the harder it is for people to reach out because they don’t want to remind us, in case we’re having a good day. They don’t understand…we never forget. Good days, bad days. We always remember and our lost loved one is never far away. I’m a widow and even I have had that thought cross my mind.

I send out my love to widows every day, so today I’ll send you a double dose. My heart is with you.


“Take care of widows who are truly widows.”

1 Timothy 5:3 NCV

10 thoughts on “National Widow’s Day – May 3rd

    1. Oh, Ginny…my heart is with you in your loss. I am so sorry. I’m glad you found me. Here on the website you can go back and read some of my earlier posts. The first year I was so numb so my writing wasn’t as deep and insightful as it was in the second and third years. I’ve actually had women write to me and said they had just finished reading my whole blog! But, that’s been a couple of years. Seven years of daily essays is a lot to take in. You can also search my posts my topic…ie grief, anxiety, fear, hop, etc. and find something pertinent.

      As you might expect, things do change as time passes. It does get easier to keep from falling into that giant hole in your heart that’s shaped like your loved one. You learn to come to the edge and peer in when you need to. I learned that God can fill any hole with love and peace. Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate them. ?❤️?

  1. One of my garden group was widowed this week. Thinking of the best way to reach out. She will have family pouring in and likely be overwhelmed. Sending a card today, and baking some things for the memorial next week–anything you’d like to suggest? I know how lost and ‘apart’ I felt in those first weeks.

    1. If you are close enough to her to text her, I would send her a text a few days after the funeral and tell her something like…“I know you are feeling overwhelmed with everything write now. I’ll contact you in a couple of weeks and we can meet for coffee. If you’d like to meet earlier, let me know. I’ve been down this path…my heart is with you.” Thank you for reaching out. ❤️

  2. 2 years ago this week…I can recall each step of the way in becoming a widow. He was sick and he died. Still waiting for relief from the anxiety and disbelief that he is gone….so many changes but yet nothing brings a quiet mind for me. I will keep seeking.

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