Mowing and Weed Identification

We missed the dark pink blossom, but this one is a beauty!

It didn’t rain yesterday so I finished the rest of the mowing. I much prefer getting it all down at once since staggering it can lead to long weeks of multiple mowing days. I don’t mind mowing, but I have to many other things to do to tie up too much time. The road in front of our house was moved several years ago in order to cut down on some of the really bad accidents in the sharp turns. Since that time, no one enters or leaves that side of the house. All the action is on the other side where the pool is. There is a sidewalk leading from the door to the driveway and big metal building. Consequently, we refer to that as the “front” of the house.

The only time I really see the other side of the house is when I mow. The other night at my bonus granddaughter’s softball game, the former Mrs. FixIt and I were handing our phones back and forth sharing photos of our flowers. She asked if the dark pink peonies had bloomed yet. I din’t even know we HAD dark pink peonies. When I was out there mowing yesterday I looked and sure enough, there had been blossoms…but I missed them. I did catch some pretty medium pink blooms though. 

I have NO idea what this plant is but I’m sure it’s a weed!

While I was wandering around, I noticed the plants at the corner of the house had grown like crazy! I’ve been posting the photos trying to identify what it is and haven’t come up with anything yet. I’m sure it’s invasive because it just took over. Mr. FixIt had that stuff cut clear down to the ground last fall and here it is 10’ tall already! I’ll have to get after that pretty quick.

Mr. FixIt stretched a line out last evening to show where the trench is going for the power line to the “campground.” I’m really excited. It would have been in already if it wasn’t for the rain this week. We’re going down today to pick up TOW-Wanda. We’ll set her up temporarily by the building so we can plug her in out there. That way, we can sleep out there and give up our bed for company when the kids come in three weeks!!! I talked with Big on video chat yesterday for nearly an hour. She is pretty much vegan so we discussed menu options that she will enjoy. Little isn’t a very picky eater so there’s no real worries there.

Mr. FixIt laid the line for the trench for the electric to the “campground.”

We’re heading into a hot stretch now after having some very pleasant weather the last couple of weeks. I’m pretty much taking the weekend off to play in TOW-Wanda and get her all cleaned and set up. We haven’t “camped” at all since about this time last year…so I’m pretty excited! There’s something special about spending time close to nature. I’ll get back to the inside work at the first of the week.


““But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind. Does not the ear test words as the tongue tastes food? Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?”

Job 12:7-12 NIV

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