Moon Over Marshmallow Ranch

Some days feel magical and yesterday was one of them. We needed to go to town to get the duplicate title for The Big Birdhouse. I looked everywhere…all the places y’all suggested and it just wasn’t anywhere to be found. And, you know what? God has our backs. What I thought was a pain in the butt with two trips to town to the DMV, turned out to save us so much trouble in the end. It turns out, there was a problem with the title. When the gal at the DMV pulled up the VIN number…two vehicles came up. That’s not good. It turns out, when the camper was originally titled, someone made a typo. This could have really mucked things up in the sale…especially for the new buyers, so I am grateful for that.

As you might imagine, sitting in the DMV on the first Monday of the month was….ummmm…time consuming, to say the least. However, one of our classmates was there and we got to sit and visit for a while. I got called up and Sharon sat with Mr. FixIt. She laughed later and said, “He has great stories!” Ahhhh, my friend…you have no idea. He has a story for every occasion and it’s one of the things I love the most about him. It was really cute when we walked into the DMV. We were holding hands and this woman came out of the building, looked at us, smiled, and said, “Awwwww, how sweet!” We walk hand-in-hand all the time. It’s just who we are.

After we finally got out of there, we headed straight to City Park to walk. It was 76° out there and the sky was a cerulean blue with big puffy clouds. We decided to head to Der Dog Haus for a late lunch, early dinner. I’ve been craving ribs lately, and when I saw that one of the specials was BBQ Pork sandwich that’s actually made from the meat from their ribs. I was in “hog heaven”, so to speak. 

We left and headed home with the windows down and the sun roof open. My heart was soaring. I know I’ve said this before, but even though March is the the month we lost Mr. Virgo, there is a day in there that I feel the bars come down and I’m released from the grey gloomies of winter. I remember when I first lost Mr. Virgo, I thought to myself, “If he had to die, it was on the cusp of spring. It would have been so much harder to head into the depths of winter as a new widow.”

One more week and we hit the ten year mark since Mr. Virgo’s death. I have been sharing stories about him. Mr. FixIt isn’t the only one with great stories. I could listen to both of these kind men tell their stories over and over and never get bored. We enjoyed watching The Voice last night. 

And we stared at the moon…hand-in-hand.


“When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?”

Psalm 8:3-4 ESV

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