Monday Morning Wrap Up

Rose of Sharon and Hydrangea
“My beautiful Rose of Sharon and gigantic Hydrangea”

“Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me.” Matthew 11::6NIV

Wow, what a weekend! A group of my high school friends gathered for a class picnic on Saturday. We had such a good time. There was lots of great food, as you can well imagine. One of our friends lost his wife two months ago, so there were several of us around the table who have known that kind of loss and could offer him the support of one who’s been there. Even though everyone’s grief is different, there are so many threads that creat the same cloth.

Sunday was wonderful at church. We had a visiting pastor from Mason, WV who did a terrific job. His sermon was entitled, “I Still Believe”. His message was about John the Baptist. Here was someone who had been the one to pave the way for Jesus. He was the one telling people he wasn’t worthy to unlace the sandals of the Messiah. He is the one who baptized Jesus. Then…he was thrown in prison. He sent a message to Jesus through one of his disciples. He asked, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?” Now, John KNEW Jesus was the Messiah. He had seen the sky open and a dove come down and hear God’s own voice when he had baptized Jesus. Why would he be asking if He was really the one? Pastor Jason proposed that what John was really asking was, “Will you come to me? Will you help me?” When Jesus said no…he wasn’t coming, he wanted the disciple to remind him of all the works he had seen. He wanted John to know, “Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me.” In other words…still believe. Even though I am not coming to rescue you…still believe. And that’s exactly what John did. He still believed.

This is such a valuable message to me. I have had so many struggles. I still believe. I was molested as a child. I still believe. I abused alcohol and drugs. I still believe. I went through two divorces. I still believe. I lost my sweet husband. I still believe. I’ve been betrayed by those I trust. I still believe. I have seen people whom I love struggle and suffer great hardships. I still believe. I have been attacked by the enemy through people I barely knew and never treated poorly. I still believe. I have watched evil walk the earth and do unspeakable things. Yet…I still believe. There is nothing anyone can do that will shake my confidence that God is always there for me and will never forsake me. Even when I don’t feel Him. Even when I don’t see evidence. Even when I pray for things and they don’t turn out the way I thought they would. Even when I don’t find favor. I will still believe because He who lives within me is greater than he who lives in the world.

It was a beautiful day, so after church, we went for Chinese for lunch then out to the farm. I love a Sunday afternoon nap and there’s no place I’d rather do that than the farm. The phone woke me from a dream. I was in the farmhouse, but it was very cold. I was trying to plug a hole in the wall with a cardboard box but I could not figure out how to keep it in place. When I woke up enough, I realized the AC was blowing on my feet. ?‍♀️

The phone call was from Daughter #2. She was working her shift at the coffee shop when a customer came up and asked her to come to the window. There was a man sitting on the patio out front, in full view….um, let’s just say he was doing something definitely NOT for public viewing. She called security and they said unless they actually saw the activity, they couldn’t do anything. She called her boss and she said to call security back and tell them to get their butts over there, now! Daughter #2, with security backup, had to tell the man to leave. He did not put up a fight and he went on his way. But this worries me. I will not speak my concerns and give them life. She is a smart girl. She will keep her eye out. She was very brave. 

I still believe. Why? because, she texted me after it was over and said, “Even though I don’t believe in prayer, will you please pray that my day improves?”

You bet, babe. I’ve got your back! ❤️?❤️



One thought on “Monday Morning Wrap Up

  1. Powerful writing! . . . . .I still believe, too and always will. I will say a prayer for your daughter #2, too.

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