Looking for Mr. Virgo

I’ve tried my hand at dating. Sometimes we get the opportunity to see someone, some time after a failed attempt at coupling and sit in awe at the personal growth we’ve made due to the experience. And scratch our head and wonder, “What was I thinking?” Sometimes perfectly nice people come into our lives and God shuts the door on them for a reason. The lesson I’ve learned is “Don’t try to pick the lock.”

After my last attempt a year ago, I’ve changed course. I backed off completely. I won’t rule out that there just might be someone out there for me, but God is going to have to throw him down in my lap if He wants me to be in a romantic relationship.

Relationship. That’s such a funny word, really. After all, you are in a relationship with everyone you interact with on a regular basis. I have many relationships. I have several very close, personal relationships. With both men and women. My gentlemen friends would do anything for me. They are wonderful dinner companions. They bring the muscle when I need it. They’ll take me out to dinner…anywhere, any time. They’ll give me a hug if I want one. And then he or I go home and there’s no complications. It’s just easier that way. I have far too many obligations at the moment to take on another project.

A year ago, if I had a date, I would have put on my most charming face and been eager to know and be known…whether he was my type or not. I was a chameleon…and quite needy. I’m much more centered now. There is no comparing one man to another. I love my gentleman friends dearly. And I’m not really looking for Mr. Virgo anymore. Now, I just look at their hearts…and love them for who they are and what they bring to my life. But as far as dating is concerned? Nah…I’ll tend to my knitting, as my Grandma used to say.


“So I say to those who aren’t married and to widows—it’s better to stay unmarried, just as I am. But if they can’t control themselves, they should go ahead and marry. It’s better to marry than to burn with lust.”

1 Corinthians 7:8-9 NLT

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