Like a Boss

“Be prepared when you speak to a mechanic. Do your homework and walk in like a boss.”

When you are on your own, you need to be proactive and assertive when you are dealing with people in service related businesses. I recently had to have brakes and rotors on all four wheels. While I did get advice from my trusted inner circle, I always do these things on my own. When Mr. FixIt wants to help me do things like this, I gently remind him that…while I appreciate it tremendously…I need to do these things because he may not be around someday when I need something done. This has been quite an adjustment for him, but I love when he brags on my capabilities to his guy friends.

I have noticed a squeak in the new brakes the last few days so I took the truck back in yesterday to have it checked. It still was squeaking afterwards, so I’ll watch it for a couple of days then take it back again if need be. I don’t apologize to them. They need to make it right. That’s what I’m paying for. I know the small metal pin that squeaks when you need to have brakes replaced can sometimes be bent. Hopefully, it’s something that easy.

Yesterday was jam packed. Errands all morning. Then Mr. FixIt and I walked the Quincy Hill steps. I mowed at the farm. And when I got over to his house, he was tilling in a garden for me. We bought some tomato plants Monday. I’m so excited! I haven’t had a garden in decades. The only down side is, there are a couple of sweet little bunnies who hang out in the area where the garden is so we’ll have to figure a way to keep them out. Do bunnies eat tomato plants? They are pretty aromatic. I’ve never gardened where rabbits were a problem. Ours was always deer lined up like they’re heading into a buffet!

I love days like this! ❤️

“And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭6:31‬ ‭ESV‬‬

7 thoughts on “Like a Boss

  1. I am fortunate to have two great nephews who are mechanics so I take the car or truck to them when I have a problem. They both work at garages, but they also work on cars at home…shade tree mechanics as my late husband called them. They are a blessing to me.

  2. I have never had bunnies eat my tomatoes but the birds like it when they start to ripen. I try to plant enough extra that I don’t miss what the wildlife eat! Have a growing good time!

  3. Tie a few red Christmas ornaments around your tomato plants while they’re growing. Then when the tomatoes begin to ripen the birds will not bother the tomatoes.

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